Well-Known Member
Cut that Kind to 5/8 the power it's using now & it may come close to the efficiency of a good fixture.
No, I wouldn't buy one when I was a new led user. Bought a Hudroponics Hut instead.
Put it up against a decent light & it got smashed.
My buddy bought one, it can all beat up w/ bad diodes. The comp. gave him a rash n a shit about it. Terrible warranty & service.
Do the new ones offer mostly wh/ w/ the option to enhance via controls w/ R's+B's?
If so, then dimming it down to 5/8 & selecting the right spectrum will do The job too. Just over a small area though.
Good luck.
Most of these guys are justvtryingvto help.
If your name is HoLightResearch, don't you think being more open minded will help w/ your research?
Ok fair already it makes more sense.. if you dim them 5/8.. but that means you loose 3/8 of power for probably not much more in efficiency which makes them even worst in terms of $/w