Aussie Growers Thread

Fast cars aint the prob... Its shit cunts thinkin they can drive then losing it and realising they cant drive after someone else pays the price... Ride a bike on the road these days and you get a real look at how fucked ppl are on the roads now..
Yeah I'm a motorbike rider and I can say at least 80 percent of car drivers should not be on the road. Its fucked
Yeah I'm a motorbike rider and I can say at least 80 percent of car drivers should not be on the road. Its fucked
Im all over my mirrors in the car because im a rider.. ive layed mine down once or twice over the years aint fun sliding across bitumen because some asshole dont use mirrors... its safer with a few blokes riding abreast... they hear me coming now tho lol...
Im all over my mirrors in the car because im a rider.. ive layed mine down once or twice over the years aint fun sliding across bitumen because some asshole dont use mirrors... its safer with a few blokes riding abreast... they hear me coming now tho lol...
Lady was driving while on her phone up here and tboned a Harley rider. The Harley just exploded and he died. And all she got was a fine and good behaviour bond
Lady was driving while on her phone up here and tboned a Harley rider. The Harley just exploded and he died. And all she got was a fine and good behaviour bond
Bitch should have gotten at least 20yrs no bail. No parole.

You don't just kill someone and get off with a slap on the wrist. Thats fucked.