What did you accomplish today?

You got a meme of what a cigarette smoker looks like when you remove the clouds? o_O
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Not if it's computer controlled.
On the hottest setting, vaped weed out of the PAX was dark brown but not black. It worked best tightly packed.
I liked it so much, I may spend the money and buy another one. I was serious when I said I've got three cheap vapes in a box in the garage. They are soooo lame compared to the PAX...
That's the way the flowermate is. It has three temp settings. I start on the lowest then bump it up as I vape it.

It comes out brown. Not like a burnt brown but like you drained the color out of it. Weird. I've heard you can add the left over to butter when you make it. Never tried it.
I've been trying to keep my basement from flooding for the last couple days. There's 6" to a foot of standing water around my house. I lost power for about 6 hours Friday and I had to hustle to get the generator going for the sump pump, which had already been running non stop for 3 weeks. The water came up almost 8" in the 15 mins it took to get the generator going. Then we got around 3-4" of rain and the ground water was rising faster than the pump could pump it out, so I had to put a second pump in. I had to run an extension cord half way across the house to find a circuit that wouldn't trip. Because of the second pump I have to have a window open for the hose and its only upper 30/lower 40s. I put up foam insulation and plastic up, but its still is fucking cold and damp down there. My grow and bed room is down there, the cold and damp isn't great for my shit in flower and if it floods I'm FUCKED. This is the worst I've seen it in probably 15 years.
That's the way the flowermate is. It has three temp settings. I start on the lowest then bump it up as I vape it.

It comes out brown. Not like a burnt brown but like you drained the color out of it. Weird. I've heard you can add the left over to butter when you make it. Never tried it.
Indeed you can, and it will fuck you up lol. I made a pasta sauce and tossed in about 15 or so grams of the dross(already vaped flowers) into it; just as proof of concept. Who'd a thunk you can get so high from a plate of linguine and sausage
I've been trying to keep my basement from flooding for the last couple days. There's 6" to a foot of standing water around my house. I lost power for about 6 hours Friday and I had to hustle to get the generator going for the sump pump, which had already been running non stop for 3 weeks. The water came up almost 8" in the 15 mins it took to get the generator going. Then we got around 3-4" of rain and the ground water was rising faster than the pump could pump it out, so I had to put a second pump in. I had to run an extension cord half way across the house to find a circuit that wouldn't trip. Because of the second pump I have to have a window open for the hose and its only upper 30/lower 40s. I put up foam insulation and plastic up, but its still is fucking cold and damp down there. My grow and bed room is down there, the cold and damp isn't great for my shit in flower and if it floods I'm FUCKED. This is the worst I've seen it in probably 15 years.
Got access to a backhoe? Dig a big hole away from house and then a trench from house to hole to divert
Got access to a backhoe? Dig a big hole away from house and then a trench from house to hole to divert
No, I wish I did. Me and my neighbor have talked about digging a retention pond between our houses for this reason. His property is lower than mine and floods even worse. One year he was using a canoe to get from his porch to where he was parking his car. The fucked up part, we don't live in a designated flood area, so we can't get flood insurance.
I was on snow load watch thur and fri they where calling for 12 -14" each night but only ended up with 14, I did shovel part of the driveway (I threw it on the road) just to let Cal Trans know they could remove the berm they created. They cleared it, it was gone Sat morning.

This morning went for a walk, filled a green tote with weeds from the public trail, picked up dog poop, replaced tension idler on the car.
I was on snow load watch thur and fri they where calling for 12 -14" each night but only ended up with 14, I did shovel part of the driveway (I threw it on the road) just to let Cal Trans know they could remove the berm they created. They cleared it, it was gone Sat morning.

This morning went for a walk, filled a green tote with weeds from the public trail, picked up dog poop, replaced tension idler on the car.

Snow today, gone tomorrow!!!