How you pay Amazon, even if you never buy a thing from them


Well-Known Member
wasn't it funny how all i had to do to trigger you and your klan buddy into wishing death on my jewish infant last night was to post your own quotes verbatim?

i just looked and you do actually meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar.
Ahem. You're gonna have to post some evidence that any poster ever wished death on your jewish infant. That's a horrible thing to say.


Well-Known Member
Explains your natural desperation to be liked.

I work in the building trades.

If you say so. It was 20 years ago and it was fueled by drug addiction. I ran a furniture store in a Colorado ski area after not liking selling cars anymore and then worked in natural medicine as an account manager for doctors stocking our eye medication and vitamins.

Any of that give you more insight?

Because what you have said so far is fascinating.

Not sure you know me very well though. I like staying away from people mostly.


Well-Known Member
Please do, I'm tired of getting boring alerts from you projecting nonsense. You haven't offered more than name calling pretty much since you've been slowly melting down over Bernie losing yet you love to talk about name calling while ignoring actual arguments.

You're boring.
Wah. Not my job to entertain you.

Get your own job.


Well-Known Member
Take a hint. It's a privately owned site and the top admin applies the ToS as he decides and sees fit. Quit being such a snowflake. You obviously get away with harassing the guy from thread to thread. It's pretty much all I see anymore. You're not as popular as you think you are, particularly with the admins.
At least you are still talking to it. He ought to be nice to you and Buck just for that. I got bored and made it so his endless complaints don't show up on my screen. So much better.


Well-Known Member
Nope, but you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.
A little birdie told me you were buck. In fact, this member told me that you made the "Justincase-account" (Just-In-Case) you lost some bet on who wins the presidential election? Apparently, you bet you would leave the forum with your unclebuck account if Trump won. But I am sure this all speculation and that the date you made the Just In Case account, would not corroborate this theory.
Oh, looky here. You made the Just In Case account 5 weeks before you lost and Hillary lost. Coincidence? :lol:


Well-Known Member
A little birdie told me you were buck. In fact, this member told me that you made the "Justincase-account" (Just-In-Case) you lost some bet on who wins the presidential election? Apparently, you bet you would leave the forum with your unclebuck account if Trump won. But I am sure this all speculation and that the date you made the Just In Case account, would not corroborate this theory.
Oh, looky here. You made the Just In Case account 5 weeks before you lost and Hillary lost. Coincidence? :lol:

It’s him. Now it’s just-in-case he gets too drunk.


Well-Known Member
It’s him. Now it’s just-in-case he gets too drunk.
the same small group......
their top agenda here has been proven to be
gay sex with other members
race baiting
multiple id accusations
removing human rights
getting others banned

sure, a couple are just wannabe's trying to stay off their radar but we see through it right?
So sit back, take a look at the first five accounts that post the same shit after this......ding ding ding.....

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Does anybody else find it odd that the title of this thread implies being forced to pay for services you never agreed to is a bad thing ? Then people leave that mindset and advocate for the very thing they say their against when some people do it.

Odd, very odd. Cognitively dissoant
I remember pretty much everything. You however black out after a while.

You are no longer a credible poster here. You will mostly talk to yourself and your socks from here on I suspect.

Try to remember. I posted to agree with a comment of yours last year. You have done this to me ever since. I don’t even know why. But I know you can’t stop.

You basically ask me to continue this immature crap. I told you I work alone at night and get very bored when my work is slow. So I read and post on forums while the house sleeps.

I have produced medical flowers working in my perpetual garden every day for the last almost 4 years. Ever since I saw Mrs. MMG’s health improving. I came here 2 years later to share my results.

You make me sorry I ever commented in politics. On the other hand I could never support the crybaby media driven stance the discussions tend to take anyway.

You even bleed into peaceful toke and talk and grow threads now to troll. It’s sad. I don’t need to concern myself with you anymore. I like bud porn. I don’t have to talk in politics. And it’s a shame for everyone else that you do.

I will expect your rude or slanderous comment in return. Unless you can stop.

I don't think he washes his hands after he uses the bathroom either.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody else find it odd that the title of this thread implies being forced to pay for services you never agreed to is a bad thing ? Then people leave that mindset and advocate for the very thing they say their against when some people do it.

Odd, very odd. Cognitively dissoant

I don't think he washes his hands after he uses the bathroom either.



Well-Known Member
Lol, a sock liking another sock's accusation of somebody else being a sock, smh.

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You live in a fantasy world. I told you people here have met me in person and this is my first ever online forum account.

Well I told buck. Lol

Oh and thank you for obsessing and bumping me to the front for a few days. I made some new friends. Everyone needs friends.