Sanders gets greeted by high school students against gun violence

we've been pointing out the problems with bernie co-opting this youth movement the entire thread.

bernie voted to allow guns on trains, voted against waiting periods, voted to ban research into gun violence, voted to prtect gun manufacturers from liability suits.

bernie got help from the NRA during the election because russia was laundering money through the NRA to hurt hillary and help bernie.

the fact that you and padaraper are such skeezy deviants is just additional entertainment for us
Everyone at that rally made it very clear Bernie was their man and they'll be ready, able and very willing to vote for him come 2020. Never forget that pissing off the young is a loser's game in politics; there's more of them.

Your puerile attempts to change the subject are as transparent as they are adolescent. Google Denver Bound; I'm sure there's a kennel waiting there just for you.

Beyond that, your judgementalism about other people's sexuality speaks volumes about how intolerant you are of any viewpoints that differ from your own. You should join the Trump team, you're far too inflexible and judgementalism to be a liberal.

If that were the case they wouldn't have turned out for him.

Your logic sucks.

So Bernie Sanders,a politician with 40 plus years of experience , who hasn't faced a Democrat challenger since 2004, awash in Super Pac money last cycle, isn't an establishment politician?

I don't think Bernie will run in 2020.. same with Biden. I think it's going to be someone younger that takes it. Especially after trump. Hopefully Bernie continues to do good things for Vermont though
Well, for some people in Vermont. Not for everyone. Like the whole thing with dumping waste in Hispanic neighborhoods or having antiwar protesters arrested, he sometimes screws some people over but those are the people who don't support him when he tries to run for something bigger. I agree though, he'd be foolish to run in 2020 and he'd lose even worse than he did in 2016.
The only job Bernard has ever had aside from his career in professional political power brokerage was that stint he had as a rape fantasy fiction columnist. I guess being an establishment power broker pays better. It doesn't pay well enough though seeing as how his wife is a fraudster and all.

Most of the kids in this crowd will be eligible to vote in 2020. It's clear where the momentum lies; with progressives.

Will establishment Democrats continue to stand in the way of progressive victories across the country? Even in light of Donald Trumps administration and the gutting of social programs across the board? Would they really rather have someone like Donald Trump win reelection in 2020 against another corporate establishment Democrat like Hillary Clinton/Joe Biden, or any of the others the special interests have chosen to cater to until then?

Tell these kids to approach the weird kid and be nice to them instead of teasing them to the point they want to bring a gun to school and kill people, and maybe less will bring guns to school and kill people.

I dont see kids that are loved and respected by the student body coming in and shooting people. Also never seen a happy coworker that was rewarded for their efforts do this on a regular basis either.
Tell these kids to approach the weird kid and be nice to them instead of teasing them to the point they want to bring a gun to school and kill people, and maybe less will bring guns to school and kill people.

I dont see kids that are loved and respected by the student body coming in and shooting people. Also never seen a happy coworker that was rewarded for their efforts do this on a regular basis either.

you believe teasing was to blame?

what would you say was to blame for las vegas? sandyhook? charleston?..teasing?

this is what dylann roof's sister was doing the other day..tough day of others teasing her.

there's other news in this world but we'd never know..
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you believe teasing was to blame?

what would you say was to blame for las vegas? sandyhook? charleston? teasing?

this is what dylann roof's sister was doing the other day..tough day of others teasing her.

there's other news in this world but we'd never know..
Just wow.

The full text of her tweet wasn't just shitty ASF, but racist too!

'no offense ofc, buuuut'

Them Roofs are a pretty special bunch, aren't they?
Everyone arguing against Sanders is Hilarious.

Which corrupt dumbass do you all suggest instead?

Sooooooooo much whining, zero discussion from the Neolibs on who they think will beat Trump.
Everyone arguing against Sanders is Hilarious.

Which corrupt dumbass do you all suggest instead?

Sooooooooo much whining, zero discussion from the Neolibs on who they think will beat Trump.
They're never FOR anything, except maybe more privatisation and banking handouts.