What is causing these spots?

With the blue lid it’s gonna be really hot in the chamber
I love dtw.
For these reasons alone.
I havnt used airoponics.
Ive dabbled in dwc. Cost me nearly, as much as the light, just to keep the reservoir in check. Cooling, heating, airstones, timers, lines, feeders. Lol fuck me dead :sleep:

Love peat, and coir. Canopy keeps the pots nice and cool, when the lights are on. The heater keeps them warm, during the night.
Never have to worry about Oxy, either.
Shit just happens so damn fast with water culture.
The work load, just doesnt return the reward either imho.
i have messed with aeroponics a little and it is certainly not as easy as dwc. aero is tough to keep humidity/ water levels correct for the plants. it is also tough to know what nuts can make it into the mist or aero system. ph and also ppm coming out of your sprayer set up should be tested too
I used to waste time with meters and screw my plants up. The PH drops get me close enough.

Me too. I don’t spend near as much time testing ph since I went to drops. Big bottle is cheap and lasts a long time. No calibration no weak batteries giving bad readings and no waiting for it to stop moving. I shoot for a dark pee color.
Me too. I don’t spend near as much time testing ph since I went to drops. Big bottle is cheap and lasts a long time. No calibration no weak batteries giving bad readings and no waiting for it to stop moving. I shoot for a dark pee color.

Me 3 :P:P
Me too. I don’t spend near as much time testing ph since I went to drops. Big bottle is cheap and lasts a long time. No calibration no weak batteries giving bad readings and no waiting for it to stop moving. I shoot for a dark pee color.

Well if you take care of your equipment, it will reward you with better grow and yield. Eyeballing your ph is pretty much a guessing game. There's a huge difference between ph 5 and ph 5.5

To each his own I guess.

Just saying.
Well if you take care of your equipment, it will reward you with better grow and yield. Eyeballing your ph is pretty much a guessing game. There's a huge difference between ph 5 and ph 5.5

To each his own I guess.

Just saying.

I ph to about 5.8
I can tell, because 5.5 is orange. 6 is lemon yellow.
So when i have yellow, with a touch, of orange. I know im sweet.

How do you know if your batteries are going flat?
Or if the calibration solution, isnt doing its job?

I have to be honest.
When ive had shitty metres. Drops have saved my skin many times, and i actually find they're more accurate.
Well if you take care of your equipment, it will reward you with better grow and yield. Eyeballing your ph is pretty much a guessing game. There's a huge difference between ph 5 and ph 5.5

To each his own I guess.

Just saying.

No shit. A big difference in color between 5 and 5.5. If someone can’t tell the difference between orange and dark yellow they need there eyes checked.

Besides I’m to busy growing shit to have to spend time cleaning calibrating soaking double checking equipment. I always checked my ph pens against drops and the drops never failed me. I’ve damn near lost entire grows from ph pen working one day and being off the next always chasing ph.
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No shit. A big difference in color between 5 and 5.5. If someone can’t tell the difference between orange and dark yellow they need there eyes checked.

Besides I’m to busy growing shit to have to spend time cleaning calibrating soaking double checking equipment. I always checked my ph pens against drops and the drops never failed me. I’ve damn near lost entire grows from ph pen working one day and being off the next always chasing ph.
I just ordered the strips but regarding pens, after spending lots of money in blue lab, Hanna and others I’ve started to buy the cheaper ones and honestly I’ve had just as good of luck with them. It is a bit of hit and miss though and I treat em like I stole em lol. I just plunk them in water and calibrate every week but they do hold pretty steady ;).
Well if you take care of your equipment, it will reward you with better grow and yield. Eyeballing your ph is pretty much a guessing game. There's a huge difference between ph 5 and ph 5.5

To each his own I guess.

Just saying.
It doesn't hurt for the ph to drift around. If you are in the ballpark and it drifts around the ballpark it's all good. Yellow or green is all good. Orange, red or blue, not good.
No shit. A big difference in color between 5 and 5.5. If someone can’t tell the difference between orange and dark yellow they need there eyes checked.

Besides I’m to busy growing shit to have to spend time cleaning calibrating soaking double checking equipment. I always checked my ph pens against drops and the drops never failed me. I’ve damn near lost entire grows from ph pen working one day and being off the next always chasing ph.

Man you're good, you can tell the shade between yellow and orange. Me, I have a hard time telling the difference between yellow and dark yellow. As far as I know ph strip at yellow that means between 4.5 and 5.5, light yellow 5.5 and 6.5. Not gonna risk hitting my ph below 5 with strips.

Or if the calibration solution, isnt doing its job?

If your pen is not calibrating with the ph solution then obviously there's something wrong with the ph pen. Could mean your battery is getting weaker or your pen itself is messed up. Calibrating solution is there for a reason unless you're using some DIY solution.

I'm just saying, that I don't find the strip accurate enough.