The Dons' Organic Garden

Out of a semi steaming, mildly volcanic and a highly tectonic region rolling with long hills of glacial moraine 100s of feet tall, dozens of miles long, mineral outcrops protruding every where that are multiple stories tall, with linx and bears all around, right in the middle of the Rockies!! One day we will have to take you there, with our good geologist friend, you will go bananas there.. The spongy hikes in there are likeyou're moon walking..

I will show some pics of the deposits we have just acquired rights to, praise Jah for real! A staggering estimated 200 000 tonnes between the 3 types.. Totally different colours, blue, chestnut and tan grey colours! Can't wait for spring..itchy feet!

.. The elemental lab tests were even a tad better than Gaia

and the follow up garden tests are frickin rocking so its looking up big time. I will have to hook you up with some! Enough here for several lifetimes and a giant company

why you gotta live so far away? LOL o_O I'll gladly test some samples though for sure, it would be my pleasure! Just lemme know when they're ready!

wonderful health on all those ladies! Looking greeeeeeeeen in here :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
why you gotta live so far away? LOL o_O I'll gladly test some samples though for sure, it would be my pleasure! Just lemme know when they're ready!

wonderful health on all those ladies! Looking greeeeeeeeen in here :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
At least our countries are connected by the same mountain range and are on the same piece of land.. lol.
its just really big!

But yeah we are moving way souther, if that helps, and once we can afford it, and things are really rolling, would be more than happy to float the bill for you and Roy to come out! Gnome too!

And yeah for sure, we will likely collect a few truck loads in the spring here and once its screened and we have a pallet of 2.25 litre pails, will holla at you quick for sure!

..was gonna blend all 3 of them, but I can even get you seperate versions of them, Mark too, just looked for the pics but theyre on a diff device, but ill find em, I know where they are I think..

And thanks, bud, yeah, green eh! Big relief with so many new recipes and so many outdoor inputs in play...

I would like for you to check out my grandpas soil too, that stuff would go really well with rotting wood and leaf mould I think, you should see whats all for sale up there!!! millions of cubic yards of glacial rich peat soil on 20 plus acres of pristine land that was once all lush bush.. with a bunch of equip.. I'm kind of looking for the right partner, I already have a lot of support (thank Jah!) and some ppl looking to invest (already!), but I dont want to have to teach anyone a tonne per se, and help them un learn a tonne of bad habits, na mean!

SO yeah, Im really gonna try get you up here this summer! I want a second opinion from an organic brother, bad! It would be worth it I think.. Me and my good boy run a few biz already but we have SO many resources piling up.. its kinda unreal.. they are spread apart yes, but this soil empire keeps dropping massive piles / opportunities in our lap... so seems one needs to piece together a bigger team and a solid biz plan! as well as mad savings..
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How went your germinating of the gravy, by the way.. and how did you do it, in soil, water, or what, bud?
Coco 1 1 4th nutes with roots exl one has popped so far with another about to im waiting for it to green up then I might foliyer iv got em in some coco in a seedling tray along with some blue razzberrys
Early birds, damn, thats COOL RUNNIN

Feel free to let us know if you want to volunteer in person, just test products at home before they officially launch (free samps + S&H), or do a longer work experience vacation even..

If and when, or Once all goes well I mean, up for grabs (eventually) will likely be the following positions..
  • soil bagging machine operator,
  • hammer mill/screener operator,
  • dump truck driver,
  • D6 cat / back hoe operator,
  • not to mention chill warehouse positions,
  • commissioned sales &
  • marketing/social media!
If the bullets are looking best.. just send Jah your Resumé guys, I will happily bring it up to the board!
Shit id kill 4 a job working with u guys nothing but love for the jah earth collective both pink gravies have sprouted btw interesring 2 see how well thay so in coco vs when frown in a jah earth soil mix
Smaller pots like around 2 gal is what we like for George if not organic.. Low NPK and high cal mag, for those beauties.. I find the George pheno is most prominent in non organics too.. vs the pungent lemon and super rare gravy pheno...

should be an awesome experience either way!!!
I am really looking forward to growing the OPG!
Really hope you get that Strawberry Wafer Pheno, or the 4 to 1 calyx one!

But the pure grape orange is succulent fire too, and you should see the size of the Gravy OG oh faaaack! MONSTER inside, nevermind out, that would be just a show and a half, spear city.

So yeah, really looking forward too!!

The smaller OPG is the 4 to 1 calyx to leaf ratio one, developing here as we speak it looks like..
taking a little longer to get really terpy but last time she went really grapey with that lingering OG Kush after taste.. and what a treat to trim.. I think it improved her flavour too, as leaves taste less tasty then calyx's imo..
I had a buddy bug me for it constantly when he came to visit and blaze up.. it didn't stick around long, he would even ask for it over the Bubba, which was his other fav, haha .. gonna be good to reunite, been a minute!

Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 10.46.24 PM.png
Note the cluster of calyx's right where that sugar leaf converges...

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Vs the next OPG up, our Strawberry Wafer (Pics coming), my fav for smell for sure, is the tallest little one in organics, flipped quick, starting putting out an instant spear of wild nuggets.. 8 nodes packed on top of each other, no gaps, smelling very good, with that perfect blend of sticky and greasy, and these thinner wilier pistils.. for thinner blades, wow does she surprise you with her smell..
Checked out the new state of the art plant feeding water to the million peeps in my home region
btw, not sure if I shared this

Here's what the average treatment process looks like out of cities with brand new plants, I imagine its even worse for older / less "state of the art" plants..I found it interesting they state say the "Water Treatment Program" is the city's Crown Jewel "facility" designed for high (read: low?) "performance"

So what do 40 processors, 2300 valves, and 1400 instruments get you for an end product.. surely it must be the utmost quality water ? Lets break the process down..

  1. They add sulphuric Acid to raw water
  2. Then add Ferric Chloride Coagulant
  3. Then it enters flocuation basins & sits in dissolved air flotation tanks
  4. Then they add ozone, & move the water to ozone chambers
  5. Then they add Sodium Bisulphate also in ozone chambers, mix
  6. Then add Chlorine / chloramine / sodium hydroxide
  7. Blast of UV
  8. Then they add fluoride, which attracts heavy metals
  9. Along with orthophosphate
  10. Then they add chlorine (again)
  11. Then into the rusty distribution system, it goes :)
Feel free to drop your thoughts or the process for your local water plant!
Thanks for sharing Don...but that is nasty as fuck! We are not very smart or wise to allow water treatment to continue with that process

Pleasure, Snap,

What could we do to rebel, tho friend... other than.. educate each other,
Collect Rain, snow, use RO, find aquifers, unadulterated wells..