Outer Space is the lie. The earth is beneath a firmament.So what's the lie?
240,000 miles (on average) is so much larger than Earth's 7917 miles that you just don't get the chance to see around the edge.Why does the entire earth see the same moon phase? If the earth were a globe with the moon 240,000 miles away being illuminated by the sun this would not be possible. South Africa would have a different perspective than Alaska and the phase would be different but that's not the case.
Our physics squares well with what we have seen and experienced. All these alternative theories need an alternative physics to go with them and that just never adds up.Outer Space is the lie. The earth is beneath a firmament.
If the earth were a globe we would not all see the same moon phase due to perspective. EXAMPLE: If the sun was illuminating the moon's surface it's phases would vary depending on your location on the "globe". Allegedly, the moon is 1/3 the size of earth and 240,000 miles away. If this were so Alaska would see a different moon phase than South Africa. It gives off its own light that is cooling and doesn't reflect the heat of the sun. The Mayans mastered the firmament dome which is just a big clock. Therefore they referred to themselves as the masters of time. The heavens are of intelligent design put there for man to use by the creator. So we can count the days months and years to celebrate seasonal festivals. Visit Stonehenge on the spring equinox you can party and smoke weed with modern day Druids and revelers.240,000 miles (on average) is so much larger than Earth's 7917 miles that you just don't get the chance to see around the edge.
The phase is determined by the moon's relative position to the sun is our perspective. My question to you is why WOULDN'T the entire Earth see the same phase of the moon?
Alternative theories? ALTERNATIVE PHYSICS???? Like water making a 360 degree curve to form a globe? Yeah that's alternative all right.Our physics squares well with what we have seen and experienced. All these alternative theories need an alternative physics to go with them and that just never adds up.
Why do people need to see conspiracies in our knowledge of the universe? Isn't it already strange and wondrous enough?
Our physics squares well with what we have seen and experienced. All these alternative theories need an alternative physics to go with them and that just never adds up.
Why do people need to see conspiracies in our knowledge of the universe? Isn't it already strange and wondrous enough?
I'm no Theologian but the Biblical story of Elijah being taken into the heavens in a flaming chariot certainly draws suspicion for me. I mean, what words would one use back then to describe an alien craft? Me thinks a "flaming chariot" is an alien vessel of some kind. I haven't even seen flaming chariots on acid after eating a half a dozen oranges and peaking so somebody somewhere physically saw something and needed a word or a term to describe it.The religious folks should have belief in "Aliens" being as they believe angels fell from the sky. Those group of folks would be considered alien being as they aren't from earth.
I'm no Theologian but the Biblical story of Elijah being taken into the heavens in a flaming chariot certainly draws suspicion for me. I mean, what words would one use back then to describe an alien craft? Me thinks a "flaming chariot" is an alien vessel of some kind. I haven't even seen flaming chariots on acid after eating a half a dozen oranges and peaking so somebody somewhere physically saw something and needed a word or a term to describe it.
well he's talking to god...is god supposed to appear on a turtle's shell?
they were in the desert, you got rocks and a few bushes....what else is god going to appear on?
the flaming chariot sounds appropriate for a heavenly vehicle to me. you're picking one instance out of a book full of "miracles" and deciding that it must mean aliens visited the earth at the time of this books writing?
God created earth, he made a 100 year old man and a 90 year old woman have a child, he parted the red sea for moses,
he fed the israelites in the desert, he made a whale swallow jonah, then spit him out in good shape three days later,
he made Mary conceive while a virgin, he saved Daniel from the lions, he saved Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace..........and you pick this one instance out of this book of "Miracles" to prove that aliens visited.....?
try harder
Alright, I'll be back when we start talking UFOs again..!LOL!
(btw I gave two instances)
Also it never says "whale", that's just more common mythology like the legendary apple in the garden. It says "Leviathan", it describes the interior as having metal rib-like structures, it's some type of a craft, possibly a USO.
Alternative theories? ALTERNATIVE PHYSICS???? Like water making a 360 degree curve to form a globe? Yeah that's alternative all right.Globetards!! Water forming a 360 curve defies the laws of physics. The freemasons are laughing at the masses for being so ignorant. Good luck recreating a globe earth in a lab. Where as the flat earth model could be done quite easily.
The bible is not by far, or even close to the first book to describe the lookds sounds, actions, or purpose of heavenly vehicles interacting with people or just being seen.. Many many religions have descriptions of crafts of some kind visiting for what ever purpose... Some of them have even matched the description that a different religion describes.. And sone cases even has somewhat of the same purpose... I will admit that seems like folklore being passed down and rewritten the way they want it to.. But that isnt always the case when someone hasnt even seen a different civilization or group of people other than themselves and they have the same records as the others... Jacob latter has always interested me some... Not the most though.. I like reading or learing about civilizations that have never really had influence from outside presence...i cant exactly remember what place it was.. But a few google searches should figure it out.. But i think the case was something like this... We went to drop off food to some island or jungle inhabitants for one reason or another... We flew it in on planes.. The people were so confused and didnt understand that a lot of them thought we were gods of some kind basically.. They obviously wanted us to return because of the gifts we brought but they didnt really know how... So we became an almost religious experience to them.. They built planes from wood and sticks and put them all over on the ground.. Kinda like how many other religions build things they say their gods came in.. Vimanas are an example of many..
well, i guess you're right, i don't know how hard it is to develop ftl, but i'm pretty sure it's not easy to defeat one of the prime laws of physics.
as an object approaches the speed of light, it's mass increases infinitely, so the energy needed to propel it increases infinitely. that's a hell of a problem. any race that's been able to solve that one, probably isn't too concerned about our hayseed, hillbilly asses.
they can control forces that would fry out little world like a cinder. they could explode our star. anyone that can control that much energy has very little to be concerned about from anyone that can't.