1st Grow - Hubbabubbasmelloscope in DWC & Water Farm

Well gents, I’ll have to deal with the babies tomorrow ... found out today that not only does he have the bone spur in his neck, but he also has a herniated disc in his lower back. And on top of that they are putting him in for emergency surgery on Monday for the cervical fusion - then when we were getting the preanesthesia testing, they called us and told us he is to check into the ER on SUNDAY. OMFG ... this is happening so fast our heads are swimming.
Well gents, I’ll have to deal with the babies tomorrow ... found out today that not only does he have the bone spur in his neck, but he also has a herniated disc in his lower back. And on top of that they are putting him in for emergency surgery on Monday for the cervical fusion - then when we were getting the preanesthesia testing, they called us and told us he is to check into the ER on SUNDAY. OMFG ... this is happening so fast our heads are swimming.
Wow that is crazy! Why the rush? Why is it so life threatening that it needs done asap? Im confused? I mean I get the pain part, but why are the dr's rushing this thru?
Wow that is crazy! Why the rush? Why is it so life threatening that it needs done asap? Im confused? I mean I get the pain part, but why are the dr's rushing this thru?
Because the nerve is 90% pinched off and the degree and the speed that the symptoms are progressing has all of the doctors worried (from his regular doctor all the way to the neurosurgeon) very much that the nerve damage is progressing past the point of no return. I mean, he cant even make a peace sign with his right hand, let alone write, use a knife, or open a door :-( ... frankly we’re both astounded
Because the nerve is 90% pinched off and the degree and the speed that the symptoms are progressing has all of the doctors worried (from his regular doctor all the way to the neurosurgeon) very much that the nerve damage is progressing past the point of no return. I mean, he cant even make a peace sign with his right hand, let alone write, use a knife, or open a door :-( ... frankly we’re both astounded
but he needs a spinal fusion?
dont they just need to remove the spurs to aleviate the pinched nerve?
I will put him in my prayers
but he needs a spinal fusion?
dont they just need to remove the spurs to aleviate the pinched nerve?
I will put him in my prayers
He’s already had 2 cervical fusions in his neck; the problem is that the disc below the existing fusion is degenerating rapidly and the one above has the spurs; the one above is also causing additional issues, so both those discs need to come out and then the vertebrae will fused to the existing fusion. Trust me, he is not happy about it, but he also can’t doesnt want to risk permanent loss of the dominant hand ... not to mention the pain in his shoulder and the weakness in his hand.

Thanks for the prayers ... though right now I could use one big fat doobage! My knee and back are killing me, plus my rotator cuff has been acting up - and I dont have time to deal with that right now.
He’s already had 2 cervical fusions in his neck; the problem is that the disc below the existing fusion is degenerating rapidly and the one above has the spurs; the one above is also causing additional issues, so both those discs need to come out and then the vertebrae will fused to the existing fusion. Trust me, he is not happy about it, but he also can’t doesnt want to risk permanent loss of the dominant hand ... not to mention the pain in his shoulder and the weakness in his hand.

Thanks for the prayers ... though right now I could use one big fat doobage! My knee and back are killing me, plus my rotator cuff has been acting up - and I dont have time to deal with that right now.
in my prayers!
Man the girls looked good tonight... They really liked that increase in ppm... running 450 ppm to 600 ppm... The Uc has the slightly bigger apical stems and look slightly more robust... The E+F is holding its own tho...