China declares the war is on, and troops deployed to Mexican border


Well-Known Member
This has been an interesting week so far in Trump World USA (and it ain't over yet), seeing as China announced on Tuesday that it was imposing retaliatory tariffs on American products imported into China from the US, to the tune of $50 Billion, and accepting the gauntlet thrown down by Trump, and smacking him ( and the average American consumer) back in the face with it.

Then last night the WH announced plans it was sending thousands of National Guard troops to the Mexican border to stop further border crossings by "illegal aliens and narco terrorists", at a cost not yet determined. (We'll show that nasty "caravan" of Hondurans who their fucking with)

So, now we are in a trade war with China which will cost American companies and farms billions of dollars in lost revenue, and we are militarizing our southern border with Mexico to stop the crossing of illegal aliens like farm workers, dishwashers and landscapers, costing the taxpayer additional millions of dollars on pure shite.

What the fuck is he thinking?

Oh, I know! He's making America great again, and I'm sure the farmers that grow soy beans and the workers at Boeing and the farms in CA and elsewhere that rely migrant workers are thanking him right now.

Go Trump Go!!! (straight to hell)
He tried to deploy the army until mattis told him what the posse comatades act was. Surprise.

He can deploy the national guard because they have both a domestic policing and national defense role. So does the coast guard, but they have trouble putting 60 foot cutter on the rio grande.

Besides, the national guard has been known to massacre innocent college students, so he likes them.

I'll bet this will do a lot for retention. So not only do NG troops have weekend duties, they also get deployed for natural disasters and more recently they take extended rotations overseas;fine, that's what they signed up for. And now, they will get extended rotations camping in the desert to chase fence jumpers. Sure, why not give up their lives for a mission they don't believe in, has no practical effect, and disrupts their lives and careers.

How many will re-up when this starts impacting them?

And now, he says we aren't in a trade war with china. Nothing to see here, citizens, move along. What a maroon.
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Farmers get pissed when you mess with their illegals. Do you know how much labor costs? And if they’d have to pay benefits and yes..taxes for a legal worker?
Farmers hire legal immigrants. I come from a farming community and most of the big farms ran ads in the paper and employment office. They hired plenty of workers with visas.

I'm sure some farms do hire illegals. A big portion don't and actually follow the law.
from palmer report - not so fast.....

Throughout Wednesday, we saw one major news headline after another which stated or implied that Donald Trump was sending the National Guard to the border between the United States and Mexico, in response to what he insists is a worsening immigration and crime problem. This move was seen as controversial and perhaps even an attempt on Trump’s part at inciting border violence. But the facts don’t exactly line up with the claim that Trump is sending the National Guard to the border.

Here’s how CNN International characterized Donald Trump’s move: “The White House announces that President Donald Trump has signed the presidential memorandum for sending National Guard troops on assignment to the southern border.” However, Congressman Ted Lieu, who is a U.S. military veteran, responded to CNN’s characterization and explained that Trump’s memorandum doesn’t mean what it sounds like it means.

Congressman Lieu spelled it out in this manner: “Proclamation by Donald Trump doesn’t actually send National Guard troops to the border. Because POTUS is using Title 32 authority — instead of federalizing the Guard under Title 10 — this is a REQUEST for state Governors to send troops. That means [California Governor Jerry Brown] can say no.” In other words, Trump isn’t sending the National Guard to the border. So what’s he trying to accomplish here?

Our guess is that Donald Trump is trying to put Governor Jerry Brown in the position of having to refuse the absurd request, so that Trump can then claim Brown is refusing to help with the supposed border problem. Trump has recently begun attacking Brown via Twitter over immigration. But when it comes to the claim that Trump is sending the National Guard to the Mexican border, we have to fact check that as being false. Whatever Trump is up to here, he’s not actually dispatching the National Guard. He has the power to do that, but he’s declined to do so.
So either trump is an idiot (duhh), this is a pr stunt, or he expects some red state gov's to deploy their guard units. It's fairly obvious no dem gov will comply. Several have already refused.
Farmers hire legal immigrants. I come from a farming community and most of the big farms ran ads in the paper and employment office. They hired plenty of workers with visas.

I'm sure some farms do hire illegals. A big portion don't and actually follow the law.

Trump runs ads and uses employment offices too however prefers the ‘new to the US’ type. I wonder why?

I sure hope his properties are all staffed up before he sends National Guard to the southern border or he’s going to be using those who want to be paid in Canadian..wait until he finds out the exchange rate is a biatch against US.
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Farmers hire legal immigrants. I come from a farming community and most of the big farms ran ads in the paper and employment office. They hired plenty of workers with visas.

I'm sure some farms do hire illegals. A big portion don't and actually follow the law.

But you don’t know for sure what the numbers are just sure SOME do.
from palmer report - not so fast.....

Throughout Wednesday, we saw one major news headline after another which stated or implied that Donald Trump was sending the National Guard to the border between the United States and Mexico, in response to what he insists is a worsening immigration and crime problem. This move was seen as controversial and perhaps even an attempt on Trump’s part at inciting border violence. But the facts don’t exactly line up with the claim that Trump is sending the National Guard to the border.

Here’s how CNN International characterized Donald Trump’s move: “The White House announces that President Donald Trump has signed the presidential memorandum for sending National Guard troops on assignment to the southern border.” However, Congressman Ted Lieu, who is a U.S. military veteran, responded to CNN’s characterization and explained that Trump’s memorandum doesn’t mean what it sounds like it means.

Congressman Lieu spelled it out in this manner: “Proclamation by Donald Trump doesn’t actually send National Guard troops to the border. Because POTUS is using Title 32 authority — instead of federalizing the Guard under Title 10 — this is a REQUEST for state Governors to send troops. That means [California Governor Jerry Brown] can say no.” In other words, Trump isn’t sending the National Guard to the border. So what’s he trying to accomplish here?

Our guess is that Donald Trump is trying to put Governor Jerry Brown in the position of having to refuse the absurd request, so that Trump can then claim Brown is refusing to help with the supposed border problem. Trump has recently begun attacking Brown via Twitter over immigration. But when it comes to the claim that Trump is sending the National Guard to the Mexican border, we have to fact check that as being false. Whatever Trump is up to here, he’s not actually dispatching the National Guard. He has the power to do that, but he’s declined to do so.
So either trump is an idiot (duhh), this is a pr stunt, or he expects some red state gov's to deploy their guard units. It's fairly obvious no dem gov will comply. Several have already refused.

This is not about a disrupt his fans were hoping for..he’s the official CHAOS only need to look as far as Jerusalem to understand this..I warned many will die needlessly before we’re rid of him (if ever). Everyday I hear the reports of dead Palestinians who would not be if it weren’t for this nonsensical move.

This is a very dangerous man who seems to have symptoms of Malignant Narcissism and we are all literally in danger until he’s gone.

I’m afraid Nostradamus was correct on this one..
You made the claim, now cite it.
Actually you made the claim first.

Illegals only make up a small percentage of farm workers.

This states that due to poor record keeping the true number is unknown.

Temp visas on the rise.

Read this. Only about 4% of farm workers are illegal immigrants.

Or is that when you see someone that is Hispanic you just assume they are illegal?

Edit. Added the link for the 4% number.
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Actually you made the claim first.

Illegals only make up a small percentage of farm workers.

This states that due to poor record keeping the true number is unknown.

Temp visas on the rise.

Read this. Only about 4% of farm workers are illegal immigrants.

Or is that when you see someone that is Hispanic you just assume they are illegal?

Edit. Added the link for the 4% number.

I was following you up until the nationalreview article lol USDA has a completely different set of numbers.