Very entertaining thread! So, I feel that the government of the US is keeping all kinds of shit from the general population. The general population could not handle the reality of what is really going on, be it aliens or secrete govt. shit. But I don't think they are faking the moon landing and for some reason lying about a flat earth (really people...?!) Some day I'd love to see a high up official tell us the TRUTH. Maybe like an ex president on his death bed (Hey Jimmy!)
That said, 3 years ago my friend shared some shots taken in his Virginia back yard. They were taken by his nature camera- a motion sensitive camera mounted to a tree. We still have not gotten anyone to explain what it might be. Here they are:
Here is a link to the video I put together from the stills. You can't embed video from FB, so click "Watch On Facebook" if you want to see it:
It's the one and only time he ever got shots like this.