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Well-Known Member
Atheist desperately clinging to absurdities like fake moon landings from 3 generations ago to keep their idiotic ideology on life support. Perpetual motion is a theory proven to be impossible therefore so is the heliocentric ism of the solar system. So there goes sun worship. Debunked. The realm of earth and DNA code are all of intelligent design by a creator. Man in his own wisdom became fools.


Well-Known Member
Atheist desperately clinging to absurdities like fake moon landings from 3 generations ago to keep their idiotic ideology on life support. Perpetual motion is a theory proven to be impossible therefore so is the heliocentric ism of the solar system. So there goes sun worship. Debunked. The realm of earth and DNA code are all of intelligent design by a creator. Man in his own wisdom became fools.

I find it odd that you talk so eloquently about growing and still come back to this.


Well-Known Member
Cheese and rice dood...I think if you're so bent on getting ppl to believe these kinda things that sprout from your keypad to the riu world to see, you may wanna take a diff approach...maybe use some good old Uncle Sam propaganda like u were talking about ...take a page outa Goebbels book...and maybe flare it up with some new aged tween/millenniums prop and try again
Atheist desperately clinging to absurdities like fake moon landings from 3 generations ago to keep their idiotic ideology on life support. Perpetual motion is a theory proven to be impossible therefore so is the heliocentric ism of the solar system. So there goes sun worship. Debunked. The realm of earth and DNA code are all of intelligent design by a creator. Man in his own wisdom became fools.


Well-Known Member
Idk exactly how the flat earth theory goes..but I'm totally down to sail off the edge I'd anyone wants to take a bail of purp and float through deep space w me on my boat... what's a good name for a boat in this situation? S.S highest astronaut in me out


Well-Known Member
Aliens could very easily connect to the Internet and manipulate our primitive technology to find out whatever they want to know about us.

They could then send that information up for collection and analysis and could thereby stay far away from us.

If we humans don't manage to blow ourselves up in the next century or two, we're very likely to develop a space travel capability and therefore be a threat to the whole interstellar neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
I'll go but we're going to need more than one bale and lot's of lighters. You ever tried to burn with no fire? Did that once and it was retarded.. :-)
We will just take a magnifying power bro...but wait...won't it be dark falling under the earth...maybe we can cock out sail and drift by stars and shit to catch a glare....plenty of white owl grapes.. bugler 1.4s...a Sherlock for when we are lazy...and yea..2 bails...if the S.S gravityroundearthpshh will hold it


Well-Known Member
Atheist desperately clinging to absurdities like fake moon landings from 3 generations ago to keep their idiotic ideology on life support. Perpetual motion is a theory proven to be impossible therefore so is the heliocentric ism of the solar system. So there goes sun worship. Debunked. The realm of earth and DNA code are all of intelligent design by a creator. Man in his own wisdom became fools.
Speaking of sun worship, sorry I'm a bit late..

.. now if you'll excuse me I've got to go eat my last Ishtar egg

Next week's discussion will focus on the origin of the "Holy Trinity", or perhaps the whereabouts of the Lindbergh baby.


Well-Known Member
Been drinking wild turkey so why not? I have a extensive background in aero space engineering, astro physics, oceanic navigation and naval weaponry/demolition. I had high level security clearances for years. Allowing access to certain information by someone with a free spirited and inquisitive mind can have both good and bad consequences. The military grooms your career. Your education and hands on experiences are all well documented. They can steer you in certain directions when they uncover gifts you and they didn't know you had. Or if they feel you would excel at certain "jobs". I was part of the GI bill program and was educated at MIT. That's where my recruitment began. I was young and gullible in the beginning and wanted desperately to be a astronaut. I worked very hard at it too. It was a young and innocent kids dream. But I didn't have support or encouragement from superiors anymore for some reason. I found out why I couldn't pursue it when I learned about a 1962 exercise called operation fish bowl. My gift as it turned out (and I was good at it too) was explosives and demolition. I offed some nasty cats in my time. Abu Nidal, Hezbollah, Hamas and even several dorky Iranian nuclear scientist vacationing in Dubai. I went from being a innocent kid with a dream to a cold blooded killer at the behest of the U.S. and Israeli intelligence community. I have dreams of severed heads with wide open eyes looking at me. I can still smell burnt flesh and the pungent mineral smell of human blood. When you kill you kill a part of yourself as well. I didn't want to be a professional killer I wanted to be a god damn astronaut.


Well-Known Member
Been drinking wild turkey so why not? I have a extensive background in aero space engineering, astro physics, oceanic navigation and naval weaponry/demolition. I had high level security clearances for years. Allowing access to certain information by someone with a free spirited and inquisitive mind can have both good and bad consequences. The military grooms your career. Your education and hands on experiences are all well documented. They can steer you in certain directions when they uncover gifts you and they didn't know you had. Or if they feel you would excel at certain "jobs". I was part of the GI bill program and was educated at MIT. That's where my recruitment began. I was young and gullible in the beginning and wanted desperately to be a astronaut. I worked very hard at it too. It was a young and innocent kids dream. But I didn't have support or encouragement from superiors anymore for some reason. I found out why I couldn't pursue it when I learned about a 1962 exercise called operation fish bowl. My gift as it turned out (and I was good at it too) was explosives and demolition. I offed some nasty cats in my time. Abu Nidal, Hezbollah, Hamas and even several dorky Iranian nuclear scientist vacationing in Dubai. I went from being a innocent kid with a dream to a cold blooded killer at the behest of the U.S. and Israeli intelligence community. I have dreams of severed heads with wide open eyes looking at me. I can still smell burnt flesh and the pungent mineral smell of human blood. When you kill you kill a part of yourself as well. I didn't want to be a professional killer I wanted to be a god damn astronaut.
??? I legit have family in the agency...they don't even like to say they work for I find it awful strange you talk freely about anything whatsoever... but hey..we are on the internet..where u can be whatever u want to be... gravity doesn't apply, we live in a fish bowl..and you're a stupid fuck if u didnt know that..or a brain washed, I'm packing up the bails now and headin out on that last grout statements bruddah...I'm not trying to get my Samsung to explode in my pocket.. much flat love


Well-Known Member
??? I legit have family in the agency...they don't even like to say they work for I find it awful strange you talk freely about anything whatsoever... but hey..we are on the internet..where u can be whatever u want to be... gravity doesn't apply, we live in a fish bowl..and you're a stupid fuck if u didnt know that..or a brain washed, I'm packing up the bails now and headin out on that last grout statements bruddah...I'm not trying to get my Samsung to explode in my pocket.. much flat love
??? I legit have family in the agency...they don't even like to say they work for I find it awful strange you talk freely about anything whatsoever... but hey..we are on the internet..where u can be whatever u want to be... gravity doesn't apply, we live in a fish bowl..and you're a stupid fuck if u didnt know that..or a brain washed, I'm packing up the bails now and headin out on that last grout statements bruddah...I'm not trying to get my Samsung to explode in my pocket.. much flat love
Yes you can pack a cocktail of C4 and fulminated mercury in a cell phone and call them and blow their head off fuck the pocket. It's been done. Ever heard of spoofing technology? Phone numbers, IP addresses and e- mails can all be spoofed. I could frame a MFer for down loading kiddy porn if they pissed me off .
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Well-Known Member
Very entertaining thread! So, I feel that the government of the US is keeping all kinds of shit from the general population. The general population could not handle the reality of what is really going on, be it aliens or secrete govt. shit. But I don't think they are faking the moon landing and for some reason lying about a flat earth (really people...?!) Some day I'd love to see a high up official tell us the TRUTH. Maybe like an ex president on his death bed (Hey Jimmy!)

That said, 3 years ago my friend shared some shots taken in his Virginia back yard. They were taken by his nature camera- a motion sensitive camera mounted to a tree. We still have not gotten anyone to explain what it might be. Here they are:

Here is a link to the video I put together from the stills. You can't embed video from FB, so click "Watch On Facebook" if you want to see it:

It's the one and only time he ever got shots like this.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can pack a cocktail of C4 and fulminated mercury in a cell phone and call them and blow their head off fuck the pocket. It's been done. Ever heard of spoofing technology? Phone numbers, IP addresses and e- mails can all be spoofed. I could frame a MFer for down loading kiddy porn if they pissed me off .
Yea..I think we have all heard of ip addresses and hacking emails ..I'm sure most all have done it..but idk how u play.. apparently you are a deadly assassin versed in gov why frame someone with child porn...see I'm not versed in gov killings..but I am versed in jail and a set of individuals that I somewhat pledge an alliance with ...and tracking ppl works both if I were ever framed over some shit w a kid..cause the people I'm familiar with would gladly cut anyones throat that messes with children..I would take that as an assault on my life..and my form of retaliation when it comes to threats against my or my people's life's doesn't involve hacking your involves hacking you into pieces that I can feed to the pigs and hide under logs.... not saying you were directing that towards me..I'm just saying there are more ppl like me than you think that are raised with the mentality that you eliminate a threat to ones's something instilled in you once you take these paths or have to engage in certain situations ..some since just be careful when you send stuff like that hate to know a smart guy like u who has done so much for his country got cut to death with a buck knife...a lot of crazies out yonder

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Very entertaining thread! So, I feel that the government of the US is keeping all kinds of shit from the general population. The general population could not handle the reality of what is really going on, be it aliens or secrete govt. shit. But I don't think they are faking the moon landing and for some reason lying about a flat earth (really people...?!) Some day I'd love to see a high up official tell us the TRUTH. Maybe like an ex president on his death bed (Hey Jimmy!)

That said, 3 years ago my friend shared some shots taken in his Virginia back yard. They were taken by his nature camera- a motion sensitive camera mounted to a tree. We still have not gotten anyone to explain what it might be. Here they are:

Here is a link to the video I put together from the stills. You can't embed video from FB, so click "Watch On Facebook" if you want to see it:

It's the one and only time he ever got shots like this.
a motion sensitive camera? then why is it going off? i don't see any motion


Well-Known Member
Yea, we figure that the light beams (or whatever) set it off. There is also that glowing orb type thing present. I can vouch 100% for the authenticity. I've seen the camera, and I watched him pull these up in a folder with all the other shots that get collected. Mostly rabbits, deer, raccoons, etc. This guy is my best friend and has no reason to lie or fake weird shots.

Some suggested maybe it was a long legged bug or something that triggered it and then the light from the camera made it look like light beams. That is the only "natural" explanation we got that is plausible.
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