My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

It's Alive!


Haha, not so much without gp420. I wonder where he vanished off to??

this amazing...fucking hilarious
thank you

somebody sticky this...o wait its already sticky enough...SPLAT

now that its over I feel like Im coming down

growingpassion420 vs stoneymcdoper
freestyle growoff
i cant believe GP has been MIA for months now, and this thread is still breathing!!!!! And new people are coming to the thread like GP started this yesterday... those plants were doomed waaaaay back in APRIL. April fools day if im not mistaken... let this thread R.I.P... If you didnt have the privledge to talk to GP, all i have to say about is...

He was a patient lil fellow, who wouldnt have cared if Jorge Cervates himself said, "Give it up kid."
wow i seen this weeks ago adn ignored so pissed i did it seemed like the thing that owuld have made me smile eachday. and no he didnt get caught he hung himself from all the things said about him in this journal......oh god i hope he really didnt...that wouldnt even be funny...shit now im worried!!!!!lol
WOW! I went back and read most of the thread. I have to give props to GP420 man this guy just does not give up! I mean yeah all his shit is totally fucked up but man he was flamed hard literally hundreds of times and he kept growing that fork plant, and then even went on to grow a bunch of outdoor plants! I'm breeding my own strain starting next year and I'm going to call it "Fork" in tribute to this guys persistence.
Plus I have not laughed so hard in a long time . . . :lol:
WOW! I went back and read most of the thread. I have to give props to GP420 man this guy just does not give up! I mean yeah all his shit is totally fucked up but man he was flamed hard literally hundreds of times and he kept growing that fork plant, and then even went on to grow a bunch of outdoor plants! I'm breeding my own strain starting next year and I'm going to call it "Fork" in tribute to this guys persistence.
Plus I have not laughed so hard in a long time . . . :lol:
Fork #1. I love it! +rep.
Wait... I'm not done thinking about this Fork #1 strain yet. How can we get some seeds of 'Fork' if we want to grow it?