Actually for voluntary interactions to work, we'd need to stop exempting government from doing things to people which would be bad if you or I did them, but somehow rationalized as good if they do it.

You conflate the issue, to cover your method which is based in preemptive violence being a viable method to use.

If you'd like we can have real conversation or you can keep shouting with spittle flying out of your mouth while you desperately avoid seeing the gun in your hand.
God your a dork. Wow. Your really stuck there. Mega douche. I guarantee you when you go on your little rants (and sure as iam typing this you do) all your friends scatter like the wind. I bet you don't have many to begin with.
God your a dork. Wow. Your really stuck there. Mega douche. I guarantee you when you go on your little rants (and sure as iam typing this you do) all your friends scatter like the wind. I bet you don't have many to begin with.

So, I'll take that as a "no" on a real conversation ?

Actually the wind doesn't scatter, it blows, like your arguments.
"We need to stop exempting governmnet"....durka durka durka.

You did not shit on that floor, because you did not agree to gravity and thought it would just float away?

Besides your janitor buddy received a "benefit" by having a job cleaning up after you. So you are a job creator ?

I never knew such virtue. Thank you giver of happiness thru crappy systemic mishy mashy contradictory logic and advocator of coercion to force black people to serve you.
and you're out of arguments again

such a loser