Well-Known Member
Yup, many view these so called 'leaders' ink marks are the end all be all. The crap they jolt down only means anything because folks give it value. Its just another belief system.
Yup, many view these so called 'leaders' ink marks are the end all be all. The crap they jolt down any means anything because folks give it value. Its just another belief system.
"God verment"
It's crazy how many really believe they need permits[permission] to fish/hunt/grow their own food and etc.
To be "free" you would be free to do what you like with yourself and your property.
When you do unsolicited and unwanted things to others, you aren't exercising freedom, you are taking it away from others.
Reciprocity of self determination is a necessary ingredient to freedom.
...or their own weed.
I hope folks wake up and realize these so called 'leaders" have no authority over them.
Do you vote, pay taxes, etc?
The problem then becomes one where you realise that, under your notion of freedom, persuading someone that your side of an argument is the correct side becomes that very imposition of will you describe, for, ultimately, that is what the act of persuasion is, you finding a way to impose your wish, your will, your belief, upon someone else or others, same as your belief, etc, has been shaped by others, you allowed them to impose their view, their will, upon you..
So when you can define "free", as your first attempt hardly does so here and that's before we think of how there are many in places like Russia, Belarus, DPRK, China and so on who are perfectly happy with the version of "free" they have according to their life, same as we cannot forget those in "the West" who are not happy with their version of "free" as there's always too much or too little interference from the State, I'll answer...
I don't the stage show of politics myself . The taxes are being taken out of my earnings being as these 'leaders' feel they know/what's best for me.
So you accept the system of government that does such a thing, therefore recognise the authority such people hold upon you.
Thanks for clarifying.
I hope folks wake up and realize these so called 'leaders" have no authority over them.
Actually persuasion isn't usually an imposition, since it lacks the application of offensive force.
The things you mentioned, "countries" like China, Russia, etc. aren't real in the tangible sense and they aren't real in a discussion of freedom, since their existence is reliant on offensive force.
Differentiating between offensive force and defensive force are important considerations when determining whether freedom is being abused or being protected.
There is a difference between accepting and having acts thrown on you by force/violence.
So you accept the system of government that does such a thing, therefore recognise the authority such people hold upon you.
Thanks for clarifying.
That's not a very persuasive argument. It relies on the idea that a person who is under threat in a given moment and who accedes to the demands of the threatening thug is somehow in agreement with the threatening argument.
Doesn't matter, you do accept the authority these "leaders" have upon you no matter what you say, therefore destroying your own argument.
Doesn't matter, you do accept the authority these "leaders" have upon you no matter what you say, therefore destroying your own argument.
No, it isn't because you are failing to understand the position taken and are introducing spurious arguments in an attempt to get your head around why you invalidate your own position.
We may be approaching the part where I ask you what property is and then you don't answer.