
Well-Known Member
Where do you stand on Israels occupation of Palestine? I agree with you on the jew haters and how f***ing dumb they are, but i still think that peace will never be realized, whilst people still feel like Israel is an antagonistic factor.
You were booted off this board. For good reason, I'm sure. You come back and your first question is a leading one that is full of assumptions.


Regarding your leading question, why don't you just say what you mean instead of asking me something so that you can argue with me about it.

For example, what do you mean by "occupation of Palestine"? Is it all of what is now Israel? Is it the borders defined later and some portion of what is now Israel? Perhaps you mean the occupied territories and a portion of Jerusalem? Do you mean the status quo that Israel claims today including all of Jerusalem?


You were booted off this board. For good reason, I'm sure. You come back and your first question is a leading one that is full of assumptions.


Regarding your leading question, why don't you just say what you mean instead of asking me something so that you can argue with me about it.

For example, what do you mean by "occupation of Palestine"? Is it all of what is now Israel? Is it the borders defined later and some portion of what is now Israel? Perhaps you mean the occupied territories and a portion of Jerusalem? Do you mean the status quo that Israel claims today including all of Jerusalem?
i dont know what i have stepped into here, but you have got your wires crossed. I wasnt trying to imply anything. i listen to the news, read news and try to find a wide range of outlets to get a more balanced view, but i also know that the media don't always tell the truth and well I think it helps to differentiate between blind antisemitism and the idea that Israels occupation is not a stabilizing factor to the middle east.
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Well-Known Member
This is all just theater and won't change anything. Why does tRUmp get so upset about a small number of killings with CW's and says nothing about mass bombing of civilian targets. They use artillery and bombs to level neighborhoods full of people and target hospitals and schools with children and tRUmp doesn't do or say anything. Don't forget tRUmp is a sociopath without empathy and Putin probably is too. Why would they start WW3 over that patch of desert without abundant natural resources and only real value is in it's sea port.
Yes. Theater. For whose benefit?

Assad is winning. The US makes overtures of leaving and suddenly there's a gas attack to drag us back in. It's happened several times now.

It's all about the oil.
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Well-Known Member
Yes the pipeline is a big deal to the oil and gas industry but you can always build another one some where else, they won't start WW3 over it. The world is moving to renewable energy no matter if the fossil fuel industry likes it or not and oil and gas prices show that. Wars are more likely to be started over water resources in the near future.
Not anytime soon- and certainly not soon enough.

Remember who's in charge of how the world works. They make far too much money from oil to change anything until and unless they're forced to.

And there aren't a lot of other places to build an oil pipeline and avoid Russia. Syria is a strategic location.
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Well-Known Member
Donald J. Trump:

A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!

Kenneth Roth‏Verified account@KenRoth 2h2 hours ago
Kenneth Roth Retweeted Donald J. Trump

What mission accomplished? Are Putin-Assad suddenly going to stop targeting civilians (main cause of civilian death)? Is Assad any more likely to stop using chemical weapons than he was after the US retaliatory attack a year ago (when he kept using them)? Is Assad in The Hague?

So they want more acts of force? wouldn't that just kill off more civilians though.
It's 'Mission Accomplished' theater!

He's a reality show star. To him, it's true if he says it on the teevee. And far too many believe it.
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Well-Known Member

False flags, Imperialism, & Zionist oppression. Been going on for Decade after Decade.

They literally spelled it out for us.
But General Wesley Clarke is a kook who hasn't been there, done that or knew the players. /s

It's interviews like these that tell me that the official story is manufactured for the profit of the oligarchs, and the truth is considered dangerous and therefore to be suppressed at all costs.


Well-Known Member
You really are the village idiot. tRUmp has proved that he is a narcissistic sociopath with 30 years of audio and video interviews as proof. Now your claiming that he is a zionist and a champion for some religious fairy tale,lmaf. tRUmp is only concerned with himself and no one elses causes, unless he can make a buck off it.
Netenyahu is quite comparable to Trump in many ways... he's a Zionist. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what i have stepped into here, but you have got your wires crossed. I wasnt trying to imply anything. i listen to the news, read news and try to find a wide range of outlets to get a more balanced view, but i also know that the media don't always tell the truth and well I think it helps to differentiate between blind antisemitism and the idea that Israels occupation is not a stabilizing factor to the middle east.
What is "occupied Palestine"? Map please