
Well-Known Member
I guess those in the Washington/Wall Street bubble have a vested interest whereas us regular folk dont..

Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China ...
The Standing Committee of the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, usually known as the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC), is a committee consisting of the top leadership of the Communist Party of China. Historically it has been composed of five to nine members, and currently has seven members.


The same number of Industrial groups controlling congress, is
leaving the same quality of representation as is in China.


Well-Known Member
Bunch of arm chair recliner stoner political quarterbacks here. Every one wants to be right. Convinced that they know what's really going on. Fact is..none of us really have a clue.

False flags, Imperialism, & Zionist oppression. Been going on for Decade after Decade.

They literally spelled it out for us.


Well-Known Member
You jew haters are always talking about Zionism as if it's some sort of plot to rule the world.

By that definition, I have to ask the certified Russian paid-troll jew hater -- what's so bad about national defense?

No No. now we are getting off topic.

Is Trump a Zionist or not?


Well-Known Member
dude. STOP fucking posting propaganda lies

They have literally NEVER ONCE proven Assad used chemical weapons.

"Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad's regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country. "




Here's the retraction the Daily Mail printed admitting that story you linked to, is a complete fabrication.


An article on 29 January reported allegations on the internet that the US Government had backed a plot to launch a chemicals weapons attack in Syria and blame it on the Assad regime.

The reports made reference to an email said to have been from David Goulding, the Business Development Director of Britam Defence, to company founder, Philip Doughty. The email had been published on the internet after Britam’s computer system was illegally hacked in Singapore. It referred to a proposal that Britam would deliver chemical weapons to Syria for enormous financial reward and suggested that the directors were willing to consider the illegal proposal.

We now accept that email was fabricated and acknowledge there is no truth in any suggestion that Britam or its directors were willing to consider taking part in such a plot, which may have led to an atrocity.

We apologise to each of them and have agreed to pay substantial damages.


Well-Known Member
No No. now we are getting off topic.

Is Trump a Zionist or not?

You really are the village idiot. tRUmp has proved that he is a narcissistic sociopath with 30 years of audio and video interviews as proof. Now your claiming that he is a zionist and a champion for some religious fairy tale,lmaf. tRUmp is only concerned with himself and no one elses causes, unless he can make a buck off it.


Well-Known Member
Fox News certainly has an iron grip on the minds of its viewers that's for sure. Once you go down the conspiracy rabbit hole your lost and it's very difficult to get out. I mean really...there has to be a drawing line with conspiracy/fake news/propaganda thing. Has to be something that is a base. If not...you can mold anyone into anything you want. A conspiracy wrapped in a conspiracy. Once you go there..very difficult to get to the actual truth. How can FOX grip them so hard as to not see Trump for what he really is? No matter what anyone might say or do that Has basis in fact and truth..FOX can spin it on its viewers and call it fake news and conspiracy/the liberal establishment and they get away with it. Like I said. .very tough to get yourself and your mind out of that. If you tbink2 about it...its how the Orange Clown got the support that he did during the election in the first place. I am not the biggest fan of Clinton but Jesus Christ man. They still rage on her and Obama as if they still were in power. Just completely ridiculous accusations. And SO many right wing brainwashed victims are so damn convicted of it. Never heard of such hate for politicians (ex at that). Obama hit the nail on the head when he said FOX News viewers truly live on a different planet.
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Well-Known Member
lol Israel Zionist own the West...

USA, UK,France,Germany.... all bitches of the Evil Parasites... dont act like u dont know they are pure scum...

Russia/China aka Petro-Yuan are saving the planet from this evil Jewish Mafia...

Its too late ... Syria isnt going anywhere and the Saudi/Israeli connection got stomped on the by the Bear/Dragon/Lion Russia,China,Iran

God Bless the only American Hero in recent memory..EDWARD SNOWDEN

If it wasnt for him.... Russia wouldnt be defending Humanity... they'd let the Zionist conquer Assad like Lybia's Gaddafi


Well-Known Member
lol Israel Zionist own the West...

USA, UK,France,Germany.... all bitches of the Evil Parasites... dont act like u dont know they are pure scum...

Russia/China aka Petro-Yuan are saving the planet from this evil Jewish Mafia...

Its too late ... Syria isnt going anywhere and the Saudi/Israeli connection got stomped on the by the Bear/Dragon/Lion Russia,China,Iran

God Bless the only American Hero in recent memory..EDWARD SNOWDEN

If it wasnt for him.... Russia wouldnt be defending Humanity... they'd let the Zionist conquer Assad like Lybia's Gaddafi
See what I mean^^^^. Hell I don't claim to know the truth. But this? Who the fuk knows anymore. Russia defending humanity? Wow.


Well-Known Member
See what I mean^^^^. Hell I don't claim to know the truth. But this? Who the fuk knows anymore. Russia defending humanity? Wow.
Well, no. There is plenty of evidence to show that Putin is not defending humanity. My question is much more narrow than that. Trip's post made no sense to me. I asked if he could explain his post.

True, that we are all in the dark about specifics. That doesn't mean we should listen to jew haters who claim to know it was Israel and take their word for it. Those guys see dirty lying Jews behind every rock.


Well, no. There is plenty of evidence to show that Putin is not defending humanity. My question is much more narrow than that. Trip's post made no sense to me. I asked if he could explain his post.

True, that we are all in the dark about specifics. That doesn't mean we should listen to jew haters who claim to know it was Israel and take their word for it. Those guys see dirty lying Jews behind every rock.
Where do you stand on Israels occupation of Palestine? I agree with you on the jew haters and how f***ing dumb they are, but i still think that peace will never be realized, whilst people still feel like Israel is an antagonistic factor.
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Well-Known Member
lol Israel Zionist own the West...

USA, UK,France,Germany.... all bitches of the Evil Parasites... dont act like u dont know they are pure scum...

Russia/China aka Petro-Yuan are saving the planet from this evil Jewish Mafia...

Its too late ... Syria isnt going anywhere and the Saudi/Israeli connection got stomped on the by the Bear/Dragon/Lion Russia,China,Iran

God Bless the only American Hero in recent memory..EDWARD SNOWDEN

If it wasnt for him.... Russia wouldnt be defending Humanity... they'd let the Zionist conquer Assad like Lybia's Gaddafi
Something is bring the crazies out from under their rocks. Russia,China and Iran saving the world. WOW doesn't come close,talk about a evil triangle.


Well-Known Member
lol Israel Zionist own the West...

USA, UK,France,Germany.... all bitches of the Evil Parasites... dont act like u dont know they are pure scum...

Russia/China aka Petro-Yuan are saving the planet from this evil Jewish Mafia...

Its too late ... Syria isnt going anywhere and the Saudi/Israeli connection got stomped on the by the Bear/Dragon/Lion Russia,China,Iran

God Bless the only American Hero in recent memory..EDWARD SNOWDEN

If it wasnt for him.... Russia wouldnt be defending Humanity... they'd let the Zionist conquer Assad like Lybia's Gaddafi

Why didn't North Korea make your list of countries saving the world.