You must be real upset with Trump then, eh?

90% of the time it's "DILLIGAF" towards him, but at least he wasn't wanting to put boots on the ground.

The thing being missed is that this is yet another CW attack after Syria was supposed to have gotten rid of all chemical weapons, an act which does have repercussions under assorted things like UN resolutions, chemical weapons treaties, and so on.

Personally, I thought the attack was quite measured, light even, we don't know what's lurking under the Med so it is likely that the barrage could have been much heavier. It was a warning, a reminder to Assad that he was supposed to have disposed of all CW and, when the dust is settled, he will have to answer to that.

Unless you think using CW at all, never mind on civilians, is ok when you are supposed to have disposed of all such weapons and means to produce such weapons, of course.
The names change, the world domination game remains the same.

Of course it does. And once the dust eventually settles on what's left of Syria you'll have some who hate the Russians but love "the West", those who hate "the West" but love the Russians, with China waiting to step in for those who hate both.

And the same will start again.
This is all just theater and won't change anything. Why does tRUmp get so upset about a small number of killings with CW's and says nothing about mass bombing of civilian targets. They use artillery and bombs to level neighborhoods full of people and target hospitals and schools with children and tRUmp doesn't do or say anything. Don't forget tRUmp is a sociopath without empathy and Putin probably is too. Why would they start WW3 over that patch of desert without abundant natural resources and only real value is in it's sea port.
This is all just theater and won't change anything. Why does tRUmp get so upset about a small number of killings with CW's and says nothing about mass bombing of civilian targets. They use artillery and bombs to level neighborhoods full of people and target hospitals and schools with children and tRUmp doesn't do or say anything. Don't forget tRUmp is a sociopath without empathy and Putin probably is too. Why would they start WW3 over that patch of desert without abundant natural resources and only real value is in it's sea port.

There isn't going to be WW3, just a bunch of government continuing to play their game while innocent human beings are the real victims of the bombing
I believe Genie Oil has a significant oil reserve there in Golan Heights

Internationally recognized as Syrian territory occupied by Israel

The reality is that his comment was so inane it's clear he has no clue about the known and estimated oil and gas in and around Syria, or that the "value" as a sea port is only a value to one party under certain circumstances.

In other words, save your breath.
It's not going to happen
We all know how they feel about black and brown muslims and now you think they will go to war over them.

The so called war would have been started being as Isreal has been bombing and other things in Syria for the longest. It's not going to be some doomsday war like many are in fear of/promoting
They aren't starting WW3 over a oil field of that size.
Hope your right. I heard the whole Syrian conflict has been and is over who controls a gas pipeline that will cut through the land. But at any rate...why would Assad drop some chem bombs like that? He had the rebs on the ropes. He knows what the repercussions would be. Doesn't make sense. There was no reason for it. Unless he did knowing he would get blamed and he could cause conspiracy ideas inn the western world by denying it and saying the Brits were behind it. The whole dealy just doesn't make sense.
Yes the pipeline is a big deal to the oil and gas industry but you can always build another one some where else, they won't start WW3 over it. The world is moving to renewable energy no matter if the fossil fuel industry likes it or not and oil and gas prices show that. Wars are more likely to be started over water resources in the near future.
Hope your right. I heard the whole Syrian conflict has been and is over who controls a gas pipeline that will cut through the land. But at any rate...why would Assad drop some chem bombs like that? He had the rebs on the ropes. He knows what the repercussions would be. Doesn't make sense. There was no reason for it. Unless he did knowing he would get blamed and he could cause conspiracy ideas inn the western world by denying it and saying the Brits were behind it. The whole dealy just doesn't make sense.

“The more the US puts pressure on Iran, the closer Iran will get to China,” said Foad Izadi, an assistant professor in the Department of North American Studies at the University of Tehran.

follow the money.
OK, so, here we are. You make up definitions of common words. Before I can answer that, what do you mean by Zionist?

Zionism - a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
This is all just theater and won't change anything. Why does tRUmp get so upset about a small number of killings with CW's and says nothing about mass bombing of civilian targets. They use artillery and bombs to level neighborhoods full of people and target hospitals and schools with children and tRUmp doesn't do or say anything. Don't forget tRUmp is a sociopath without empathy and Putin probably is too. Why would they start WW3 over that patch of desert without abundant natural resources and only real value is in it's sea port.

Israel wants Syria, just like Israel wanted Palestine.

Look up " Greater Israel Project"
