Israel wants Syria, just like Israel wanted Palestine.
Look up " Greater Israel Project"
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Are Putin-Assad suddenly going to stop targeting civilians (main cause of civilian death)? Is Assad any more likely to stop using chemical weapons than he was after the US retaliatory attack a year ago (when he kept using them)?
dude. STOP fucking posting propaganda lies
They have literally NEVER ONCE proven Assad used chemical weapons.
"Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad's regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country. "
Yeah. Pretty funny. Your tax dollars get used on fighting a thousands year old holy war.
Those tweets are posted to put a spotlight on the insane logic by the right and left side of politics going on.
Far right wack jobs are saying the world is ending later this month,are you stocking your bunker?
I voted for Bernie Sanders, why the fuck would I know what the right wing is doing?
Sorry, my apologies. I confused that for your opinion.
Getting glazed arguing with warmongering republicans & democrats.
100% my bad.
The people that run things are interested in two things,power and money and they do that by controlling resources. Fighting over a fairy tale promised land is just a distraction for the weak minded.
from russia?I voted for Bernie Sanders
The people that run things are interested in two things,power and money and they do that by controlling resources. Fighting over a fairy tale promised land is just a distraction for the weak minded.
You push their nonsense
You jew haters are always talking about Zionism as if it's some sort of plot to rule the world.Zionism - a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
How is that different from the people in the WH? Other than we don't have access to the nuclear weapons codes and US military power at our command, that is.Bunch of arm chair recliner stoner political quarterbacks here. Every one wants to be right. Convinced that they know what's really going on. Fact is..none of us really have a clue.
I voted for Bernie Sanders, why the fuck would I know what the right wing is doing?