Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Since government is an extension of the will of the people (however imperfectly), it has both the right to claim ownership of land and to regulate and tax its use, transfer and possession.
@Rob Roy you seem to forget essential connection between government and governed.
If the government does not reflect the needs and will of the people it purports to govern, that's a different issue than ownership of property.
Except government is NOT the will of the people, that is something you've been told, but it is demonstrably false.
If government IS the people, and no person has the right to use force against other people who are minding their own business and behaving peacefully, logic then insists that no collection of people, even if they call themselves government could possibly have that right either.
If you disagree with me, please tell me how you or anybody else could possibly delegate a right they do not possess?