Greenpoint seeds!!

Well i like to run my cubes on the slight light side so they dont rot from the carb sac in the seeds.

But they stay at a higher humidity in the dome and i monitor daily
As i helped get one last seed pod off of an evergreen today i should have done it yesterday.

But i find when you help split the seed it goes either way anyways

Id add pics but dont wana show how many i popped :lol: but im ok with 2 dying atm lol

Needless to say its pretty decently controlled albeit not perfect to a t obviously lol ;)

None of the shoreline testers damped off but one didnt pop so i split it this morn the tail inside looked green? But i planted it back in anyway
Could try skuffing them to make it easier for them to shed the shell?
That's a healthy ass it exposed to light coming out?I noticed they green up with a quickness if they get light right away
I had it buried in the wool and the seed wouldnt split so i cracked her ass for her lol? Still never seen a green tail mabey i shoulda taken a pic?

Could try skuffing them to make it easier for them to shed the shell?
They where scuffed w 150 grit before a 6 hr soak friday night @6pm planted at midnight :)
Ok curiosity got the better of me and i just went to dig it back out (carefully of course)

Ok so its not the actual tail that is green it appears to be the actual sac the seed is surrounded by that turned green it just wraped around it so tightly it looked green
Idk what’s going on with my phone today
It’s not loading pics now , I need to wipe it tonight and get a new screen , and put it in a case
For some reason mine has been fucky today as well

It wouldnt let me sign in for about 20 min

Now i cant upload anything atm?
Anyone know why a tail would be green inside the shell (no light exposeure in the seed haha)
Ive had tails pop from the hull with a very dark green almost black *sleeve* on the tail.
It's in all seeds but only seems to pull out with the tail(only a very short ways) on certain strain or just occasionally
I popped some Bodega the other nite and a few tails had it.
It's some type of membrane tween the shell and the seed embryo

yes! the 1st boomtowns I've seen posted, very nice Lurrabq
sample any yet? I like to taste the new talent @35 days


Iza Pagan from way back
all hail Odin :blsmoke:

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