how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

i flew to JFK from Denver with some super dank shit. my jeans had a stash pocket inside along the belt line.
You've seen a variety of suggestions and from my own experience I have taped weed to my balls in a double sealed bag and got away with it. But there was also no dog present which I have seen at an airport other times (basically my buddy and I got lucky). DO NOT put it in your shoes... they always run those through the x-ray machine now.
I've mailed it and have friends that mail quite regularly. Put it in ziplocks or a jar and jam it down in a can/bag of coffee if you feel you want to conceal it and mail it with a fake return address as others have suggested.
That's the safest and relatively cheap way to do it. Once you mail it out you can deny any knowledge of it and your buddy can say he doesn't know the sender. Chances are they would confiscate it and just send your buddy a notice. :peace::blsmoke:
has anyone ever had weed on them and walked past a cop dog? i heard the dog needs to be told to look for drugs. so if u just cross paths and the dog catches a whiff, i wonder if he/she would react if not told to look?

I once read that dogs are only trained to search for certain things, like a bomb sniffing dog only sniffs for bombs as a drug sniffing dog only sniffs for various drugs.
yo the old fashioned way... stick that shit in ya ass

LMAO!!!! Ya i cant remember who started this post, but that is def. the old fashioned way... Makes for an interesting story to tell the kids around the fire at christmas time........
hey with whatever you do will you post back and let us know?
I am curious to see what you decide. Hey just to let you know, I am flying tomorrow...Yes, I will be taken mine with me....I will let you all know how it goes.
being a weed snob err conneusseur who travels a lot this question is right up my alley

go buy some cat nip and the most transparent vacuum seal bags you can find roughly the same dimension as the box....i've heard of using the cans....but I really like the box...cause it comes with a bag inside. open the catnip box very'll need to reseal it with superglue.

i then just toss my nugs in with the nip seal it up and throw it in.

yes your nug smells a little nippy at first....but it has worked over a dozen times and ships 100%

if you're feeling paranoid, then buy a small bag of cat food or a toy, or better yet buy a cat and bring it
I have flown several times from Bos to LAX and BOS to ATL tucked it under nuts, rolled and stuffed in the oldladies tampons, and rolled and put in cig pack in my luggage also just left it in my pocket never had any issues no matter how I did it. Have also shipped it to Idaho rolled up 40 bones put in cig packs never any problems
Put it in a vacuum sealer and overnight FedEx it to your destination. That way if it gets caught, it can't be attributed to you at all. I wouldn't get on a plane with any weed on me.
I wouldn't try it... I had a friend get busted trying to get some threw the airport in Texas.

But on the other hand i had a friend that forgot that he had a few buds in an empty gum wrapper in his backpack, and he left the country got to Europe and then got on a small plane and flew to central asia... then when he got there he was just unpacking and found his little suprise... he got through like 5 countries with weed... luck as hell i guess.
send it through the mail.. vacuum seal it and mail it just before you get on the plane.. hide it in a stuffed animal or something..
great idea, wish i had thought of that...

do ppl on rip ever read the thread b4 they post their own reply, like, ever? 10 pages on this topic in one day? 90% are
do ppl on rip ever read the thread b4 they post their own reply, like, ever? 10 pages on this topic in one day? 90% are
I was wondering.. did anyone know a good way to snuggle a quarter of weed through the airport...and then succesfully getting to my destination without being caught.... please give me ideas cuz im goin to my cuz house next month and i need to find a way to get it through the airport so i can smoke this Miami shit with my cousin. thankz... PS. he lives in South Carolina... so yeah... please help :blsmoke: :mrgreen:

I think he wants ways of getting it thru the airport not shipping anything.
stick it in your pee hole... i meancome on what r the chances of gettn caught with weed in your wee
I had pills with me and just kept them in a no name bottle put them in my pocket, Seems to me they didn't give a shit, but oh shit if you get caught. If you look nervous or you happen to be the unlucky person they pull to check over. I would say that tampon thing was a good idea, not too many men are even comfortable looking at them let a lone touching them, The problem is that your old lady would get hit for it and not you. I don't know maybe you been with her long enough and need a new one anyways??? My biggest problem would be the dam smell.