148 buddy, want an autograph? Bro, your numbers have been entered into the ledger, 82 people die of candles per year. Noted. Fantastic. 82 people. And that scares the shit out of you. ok. I'd look up how many tons, how many, literally, billions of candles the rest of us 330 million Americans burn every year without dying, but I wont bother because guys like you, it does no good, and you have no concept of the statistical relevance of 82 out of 330 million anyway. I'm seriously done with you. This post will last the life of the internet, with your fear mongering doltishness will ride in tow... Now, for anybody unafraid of paraffin wax, who thinks they can not burn their house down, enjoy. Seriously, if you have the space, go with a desktop water fall. They are really pretty. You can curl up, read a good book. Like I said, it does what it does, it's up to you, the grower, to decide if and when you may implement. If you don't want to, or feel you can't, or are scared, or anything, don't do it. Stop hating. If you got a 2 x 2 tent and don't want to do it, don't hate, just move along.