Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Uncle Fester was originally a college Psyc Professor in the early 60s, and joined the Angel in 1964/65, started growing weed on THE FARM in Nor Cal, and also probably got many of his genetics from Brotherhood of Eternal Love.
Awesome story :) Now I'm hoping to get some again!
Yeah I know that, but Ive read a couple places theres a Male that's being used from an NL5 from 89 that is supposed to a very good breeder. But yeah, I agree that its probably 99% chance its the male Sk1.

Its probably the NOOF Cut from 89.
Skunk 100% for sure started in the 60s, and was done so by Hells Angel Club18 Oakland Chapter Uncle Fester. Believe what you like, its your/whomevers loss, as this is well known.

Its also known the Sacred Seeds was started in 1948, and had seeds dating back to the 19 Teens.

Sacred Seeds also were the originators of Romulan, which was originally from Korea, and was brought back during/right after the Korean War. 1952/53.

Uncle Fester was originally a college Psyc Professor in the early 60s, and joined the Angel in 1964/65, started growing weed on THE FARM in Nor Cal, and also probably got many of his genetics from Brotherhood of Eternal Love.

The strain became stabilized in 1969, and later on in mid 70s had an apprentice grower named Sam Watson, who got into trouble, and started working with DEA, and had Sacred Seeds Busted...AND ITS WELL DOCUMENTED SS HAS SKUNK BY THIS TIME.

But to get himself off, he ratted them ( SS ) out, and for his help they left over 20lbs of seeds Unguarded in the Trash, and Plants with Still Intact Rootballs.

So Ratman went back and gathered all that stuff up, and soon moved to Europe where he teamed up with

The Flying Dutchmen, Super Sativa Seed Club, Nevil, and others I don't know, or forgot.

At this time his concentration was for Breeding the REEK OUT of the Skunk. So from what I understand they bred Sweettooth into it, along with Afghani, and culled all the REEKERS, and bred of for Sweet/Floral.

Super Sativa Seed Club Retained the Original Genetics, as did Nevil, and when Sensi Seeds first started, they had the real stuff, but along the way SK1, Mr Nice, Hashplant, NL5, NL5/Haze Original Genetics was lost, and rebred from related stock.

But when they all found out he worked with the DEA the ALL Distanced themselves from him, so he went his merry way.

But The Nature Farm Genetics can 100% for sure be traced back, and IS THE ORIGINAL SK.

Also Not All phenos are RKS.

How in the world would Cheese have become what it is unless there were Different Phenos?? NOT LOGICAL.

Cheese came from Original Nevil/Sensi Seeds Sk1

There ARE also Cheese Phenos in Uncle Festers Sk18. There are Several Phenos

The closest, best shit out there IMHO short of Uncle Festers, is Dominion Seed Company Dominion Skunk.

It has Super Sativa Seed Club Sk1 on Both Sides

Mother of Dominion Skunk is named.. POLE CAT.

I thought Pole Cat was a Canadian skunk strain?
Heres day 47 on a Rubber Tree pheno.


Sk18 Male

#rubbertreeskunk#7 the taller sativa pheno. Fastest to root and crazy vigorous

69' skunk18 ibl Male with the Crinkle. Number 21, Sativa dominant chemical
Instead of describing how crosses may be, i will just describe the Males and Females of the 1969 Skunk#18 IBL Open Pollination Line and what they will likely bring to the Pairings as a whole line.

These are Original Skunk#1 line derived from 1969 stock via Inbred line, passed to Thai after his uncles passing In Eureka, CA. Pre Skunkman Skunk#1. And also go by a few other handles, Such as Uncle Festers Skunk#18 IBL(from the breeder), Professor Beatnik Skunk#18 IBL, Hells Angels Skunk, Cali Skunk, we choose one truer to form being 69′ Skunk#18 IBL which is when the seeds were derived from.

Firstly Effect like a freightrain for the brain, cerebral magic, brightens the day to where your squinting its so bright, wakes you up and bakes you the fuck out whole being. Every pheno has extensive expansion qualities and most were quite resinous with melt glands.
Thats what was found and what you can expect with true end mexi notes,only sweet they have, not pine, no fruit.
And other nasty ended scents like burnt wire, rubber, onion, astringent bleach notes, pissy, aged cheesy black hash tones, green acrid funks. The Entire run they Morph scents and are even more pungent and funk once dry. The line itself is wide open in the regards of the funk and type of it you will find as well as the plants, but they do have an overall similar appearance in the mexi looks. There is some extreme indica expressions as well, different types of stout Ghanis to Stretch Ghanis.

The plants themselves are beyond vigorous and thick membraned showing their true heritage. Most are full double serrated plants and also display extra digits and most display absolutely amazing builds. Some of the prettiest and most agressive controlled plants that i have had the pleasure to have under hand.

To the cross pairings they will instill very nice Vigor, enhance build and branching of most any and all kind. They will enhance Potency with added Mexi cerebral magic. Brighter and more vibrant with true expansion qualities all around. I do not know how they will dominate, but in this case i hope they do. The line is pure Magic in my opinion with Acrid Chemical and True Skunk1 qualities.

****These are pre release and I felt this is something needed doing with the current focus on Skunk1 genetic but also the Fact of the originator of these seeds ripping folks off and not keeping his word to many members in our community for no reason whatsoever, especially when his genetic selection is solid.

He is Master Thai Organic Seed garden and our open pollination recreation was never to harm but rather to preserve the experience for everyone. This is his uncles line, preserved via seed stock and kept mother for us to enjoy and thats what i intend for all, not to rip anyone off like where these originate. Like i always say, we let the genetic speak.

So there is a few underlying circumstances that have lead me to give you the same shot that I have for Magic. The Main is because it is what the genetic and the plant deserves and so do you.

So Please, ENJOY!

The Nature Farmer
Yep, those are whats free right now, but also has a high CBD strain available if asked as replacements, but I wanted the MR Nice/Sk18.
I hoped for the Mr Nice/Sk18 with my last order, but did not get it. Not mad about a free (12) pack of Skywalker OG x Rocket Scientist OG, though.
Maybe the Mr. Nice will come with this order.

I just dropped 3 of my Skunk18 IBLs to soak. We will see how they do.
I think if it is really Nevils real deal stuff from the 80s, early 90s/Sensi, theres a great chance there is s REEK in there. The more you go back to the 80s, the more likely there is for RKS phenos. UK Cheese was found in 89.

But if it has anything to do with later Sensi Seeds, or Mr Nice Shit, forget it.

Coastal Seeds also has a cross of the REAL 89 UK Cheese x Heirloom NL#1.

NL#1 is 100% Pure Pre Soviet Invasion Kandahar IBL.