Ah. So they're NT2L757GR-V1 - not NF2L757GR-V1 as was posted earlier.
I went back to the
QB324 thread and you did mention the correct leds, even though someone else provided the wrong link earlier on - which I obviously missed.
So that's my mistake, and would explain the discrepancy.
However, it's not like I'm not growing pot here, LOL!
Also, I do owe Cutter another apology, because it looks like the Nichia 576 Solskins are, in fact, more powerful than the QB324s - albeit at a higher price.
Perhaps HLG should think about publishing the type of LEDs they use on the QB324 boards on their website:
It would be really handy and save some confusion. I know I'm not the only one who was confused about it.