Small Commercial journal & tips on 2 per light

So if I were to go with the quest 215 what I need a pump? Or could I just ceiling mount ?

I’d just ceiling mount it (what I did )
You can buy a hanging kit, or you can make one a lot better for less.
I just used 1” heavy wall square aluminum tubing, I can takes some pics if you want .
There’s only a couple options for the pumps, and when you look at the accessories @ pumps they will say what pumps go with with unit .
I can run 16 lights by myself, everything is automated also But I’ll break it down for you, initial set up is About 3 to 4 weeks, then I work two days a week for a few hours, mostly taking clones and cleaning and doing this, and then harvest takes me about a month, but I set up everything for the next run wow everything is drying. So pretty much I work for six weeks and have off for 10 weeks, the 10 weeks I have off I work less than eight hours a week...

If I wanted to hook up the doseatronic I have I would only have to come back and switch out the nutrients in week 2 and 6. But I don’t do that because you cannot add additives it only feeds base nutes
Yeah I was gonna ask you about that I bid on one on eBay For $1200. But it’s a 215.

That’s a really good price for a new unit right ?

I also was looking at buying this blue air xxxl 3000. Does up to 300 pints a day, looks just like the dry air ones.... that ones only $500

So time will tell what end of getting either way it will be enough.

See I only use a 4 or a 5 ton AC unit for each 16 lights, but I re-circulate the air, well that’s the way I’m going with the next one anyways...
I got a lot of stuff coming in every day. Which reminds me I should probably put the Hydro guard in the fridge lol image.jpg
Ya you were right, those fuckers took down the add. I was the only bidder and they obviously didn’t wanna sell it for that cause the auction was ending today smfh
This is why I use my AC and dehumidifier run off water for my veg. which is a staggering 3 gallons per light/day avg.

It’s 20ppm and my water goes in around 170ppm

It holds its ph very well. In Rez at 6.0, runoffs 6.3, Leaving you with just enough room to add nutes in my case anyways.

Why would I buy RO machine?

Unless you have well water that’s very high to begin with...then I would anyways.

And it’s perfect for filling your aero cloners



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Love the setup from what I have seen. Would love to find a commercial space to SOG.

My friend is having a problem with heat. He is running a hybrid system. 250w HPS, 7 -50w Corn cob full spectrum LED's with an air cooled hood. He is only running a 200cfm (4") exhaust/carbon filter to outside the plywood room. The problem is this, the grow room is built inside a converted patio/living space in back of the house. The walls are thin (foam with metal on each side) We live in the south east states. The only air is from a 1300 btu ac in the converted living space. That was not cooling sufficiently so he installed a 5000btu ac into the grow room to help the temps. it exhausts in the main room. I told him to some how ventilate the back room, but he is afraid because the babies are stinky since the heat brings the smell out and he doesnt want neighbors to know. He is a medical patient.
He has a 8" inline fan with a carbon filter in the middle of the converted room.

The babies are on week 6 of flowering.

He is using FFOF potting mix, FF Trio nutes, FF micro nutes and tap water that has sit out for 24-48 hours. He only ph's the water when he feeds. He feeds every other day. So, he feeds, waters, waters, waters, feeds, etc. He has had no problems with the health of the Purple Haze's from ILGM. He also has a couple fans on the inside to move the air. They get watered 1-2 time a day, half a gallon of water each, each time. I will post pics if needed.

So, how can my friend properly ventilate the converted living space without jeopardizing his OP? He is being super paranoid about his neighbors and wanting no one to know. With the ac cooling the grow room (8hrs of ac), the tempos are still hovering in the 80's.
Sorry I cant reply to your comments but I will later I’m busy working right now. As you know I’m tearing down this place and going bigger n better after this last run, which is on day 15 I think lol


Here’s those trackers that I plant, plant you get it LOL ... anyways, you just get unlimited text messaging for 10 or $20 a month n your good, seems to like extreme measure until your shit gets ripped smh.

Anyways it has a 60 to 90 days standby time without charging . Are usually just stick it in a bag full of nice buds and leave that bag right there for the rippers, I also placed a few smaller ones around week five in my buds. sorry I put it in the larf for the picture. Tk905 cost $45 and $10 with T-Mobile. image.jpg

Secondly I went outside as the pollens been crazy to check and I was astonished. Remember guys clean your ACs Outside, Better yet use a pre-filter.... The entire thing of this one was literally covered, didn’t even think about taking a picture until I was almost done but you can see. Shit went from a 18 seer to 16 seer I’m sure. For those of you who don’t know SEER stands for BTUs per watt.



Anyways I think I’m gonna keep this place because I’m not taking anything out of it Atm, everything I bought is brand new.

So I might just keep it for moms and veg or emergency circumstances. I don’t know yet. Possibly a trim spot Full of naked women lol

Well I do know is the new builds going to be awesome and I will be in there after the Fourth of July.

Also I have considered it I think I’m going to do multiple studies, One being Rockwell size and plant counts, Rockwell size and plant counts, the other is the new high-end gravitas And lastly Rockwell versus aeroponic setup.

I am on a time crunch here so I did consider just throwing down slabs on the nice cool concrete for the first run until I figure out what I’m doing, I think I might go half Tables in Rockwall and the other half aero. I’m sick of buying cubes. When I could just use 2 inch neoprene callers.

N in case if it doesn’t work out the aero systems will be sold online or it will be my aero cloner lol, just got a drill a lot more holes lol..... i’ll keep you posted on what I decide

I made a little blueprint of the aero system I’m planning to build. I’ll post it.

I’ve ran every single system that there is known to me, but DWC and aero can be scary on large scale’s especially if you don’t have the right equipment in place .

By the way I know how to spell rock wall but I talk to text, please excuse my errors ....

But I got to go guys here’s some pictures of date 15, I still have a little bit a lollipopin to do, hope you enjoy the plant porn because there’s no beds yet....

Peace love and respect
See how there is no purpling at all and they look completely healthy. That’s how they should look right now. Never cut your nitrogen too early IMO It always use a beneficial bacteria whether it’s re-charge or Hydro guard or great white . Also I suggest everyone spends the $25 and get a thermometer laser gun n a lumen meter .
But I got to go guys I got a lollipop and steak all day . I had a few tip over.... And I think I over vegged a little LOL if there is such a thing.

If anyone’s wondering this is sour diesel it’s a great yeilder, 9-10wks, I got this feminized seeds from I have other strains that are better but this is the big number bitch, Sweet-and-sour almost like Chinese food.



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Last message for today I’m not getting any work done LOL

These clowns were taken on the exact same day in route it at the exact same time, somewhere moved from the aero cloner to make space for the others. I saw the Rockwell and did everything right so they get fed the same but look at how long these have taken N still hurting. When you transplant you want to do it when the roots are at a very small or size imo Otherwise you shoving a big root ball in the hole like wtf. But these are all coming out in 7 gal cocoa pots to be moms.image.jpgimage.jpg
So you see the difference in the pictures obviously under different light 300w hps n 160 cfl but the but not that much different When it comes to luminous in watts per square feet the HPS is much higher

I just think going straight from an arrow corner when arrow system would be ridiculous results

Or I can learn to take my clones on time and avoid these massive root balls huh..?

Too busy

Take care people
No I have considered just running 20 foot links of pipe into a gutter but that doesn’t seem Like the best way at all, But as a former engineer and perfectionist I tend to over complicate things sometimes so what I was thinking was the sketch below, Which is on posterboard to scale . image.jpg

Now as you see each table will be 4 x 8 . Hold 48 cuttings each, The only holes will be for neoprene callers on top and one sprayer on the side of each collar for small plants, now, I still haven’t figured out exactly how I’m going to recirculate the system because I have height restrictions but I’ll figure it out, The top of grade has to stay around 24 inches. if anything weight is more of my concern, I was considering putting them on rope ratchets instead of benches, it’s just hard because I’ve never seen something this big up close.

If any you guys can give me some good pictures Or better yet a journal let me know.

Also the 4 inch PVC scares me because of potential root masses But I was going to go with a thinner schedule of pipe.

Surprisingly it costs about the same price As tables. Bit more tho.

Again this is all going to be hooked up to a pH controller And base nute Doser. I’m going to try to figure out a way to add my Hydro guard and silica separately.

Anyone have a dosetronic? Mine still in a box have yet to play with it....

Later guys
Makes for an interesting and challenging read. lol
I like your use of the me some ideas.
Peace to you,

The rockwool coco idea came when I accidentally ordered 4 x 4 x 3“ cubes but it works great. Are used 10 kg of coco are used 10 kg or 2 blocks of coco to 4 sq st of perlite. It’s great but holds quite a bit of water.

I love 6” cubes but they are expensive,

I get noticeably better #s with drippers in,
Which I haven’t done yet because I’m just behind
Love the setup from what I have seen. Would love to find a commercial space to SOG.

My friend is having a problem with heat. He is running a hybrid system. 250w HPS, 7 -50w Corn cob full spectrum LED's with an air cooled hood. He is only running a 200cfm (4") exhaust/carbon filter to outside the plywood room. The problem is this, the grow room is built inside a converted patio/living space in back of the house. The walls are thin (foam with metal on each side) We live in the south east states. The only air is from a 1300 btu ac in the converted living space. That was not cooling sufficiently so he installed a 5000btu ac into the grow room to help the temps. it exhausts in the main room. I told him to some how ventilate the back room, but he is afraid because the babies are stinky since the heat brings the smell out and he doesnt want neighbors to know. He is a medical patient.
He has a 8" inline fan with a carbon filter in the middle of the converted room.

The babies are on week 6 of flowering.

He is using FFOF potting mix, FF Trio nutes, FF micro nutes and tap water that has sit out for 24-48 hours. He only ph's the water when he feeds. He feeds every other day. So, he feeds, waters, waters, waters, feeds, etc. He has had no problems with the health of the Purple Haze's from ILGM. He also has a couple fans on the inside to move the air. They get watered 1-2 time a day, half a gallon of water each, each time. I will post pics if needed.

So, how can my friend properly ventilate the converted living space without jeopardizing his OP? He is being super paranoid about his neighbors and wanting no one to know. With the ac cooling the grow room (8hrs of ac), the tempos are still hovering in the 80's.

If you want to place to grill start off with two lights like I did, Before you know it you’ll have four and then eight then 12 and then 16 lol it’s cake work. Initial investment is low, Especially if you’re paying for bud.


I live in a place where the summers arent too hot or long. I mean it just started getting over 70 deg here lol. It was long winter in during winter I can use 3000btu per 1000 Watts, two completely different worlds right... that’s sealed, if I used air cooled hoods I’d be more worried about heating the place i’d be more worried about heating the place lol

With that being said there’s a lot you can do but I don’t want to give advice without knowing exactly what I’m looking at, can you get me a pic.

Tell him to run his lights at night For starters,

Secondly pH every single time

Lastly when ever somebody buys equipment and I always tell em buy big.

There’s a guy on here I’ve been talking to for years From TX. Same heat issues. Net even without air-conditioning you still need 3750 BTU per light, and then you have to consider all the big things you run like burners or dehumidifiers etc....

But what most people overlook is the geographical location.

My house for instants needs 3 ton ac in summer for complete control n it’s 2400 sq ft. But if you pick up my house and put in the Everglades I’m gonna need a 5 ton for sure....

What’s the weather like highs and lows for today?