And dive in please I want to hear it lol
According to dr Elaine ingham?
A bacterial tea will be slightly fungal
And vice versa. You cant really only get 100%
So you are looking for a mostly microbial.
Mine looks like this
Measurements are approximate and feel free to go more or less.
3 to 5 gal water. Chlorine free
Maybe 2ish tablespoons molasses.
Remember I brew a short cycle so thats more than enough
Couple cups of some kind of compost,
Earthworm castings work very well.
Table spoon to 1/4 cup cold pressed fish hydroslate?
Tablespoon to 1/4 cup liquid kelp.
I bubble with clean 76f water.
I bubble for 24 hours for my own reasons but others go up to about 36 with this same recipe.
Strain it after its made n spray it on the entire plant.
Pour leftovers in soil.
You can dilute it or not.
I do not