ICE is raping the kids they rip away from their parents


Well-Known Member
they are literally raping 4 year old kids and threatening the mothers with deportation if they report it

This is trumps America

It will get worse. Trump is separating these kids from their families and funneling them to sex traffickers

This is the result of trump dehumanizing these families as “illegals” and “animals”

This is how the Nazis dehumanized the Jews as well
Learn to cope with reality you retard

Really hope you can learn from your own words.

You can just take a step back and not focus on it, just like you dont focus on the other 99% of problems in the world, or you can realize that the parents broke the law, and the kids cant go to jail with them.

Litterally this exact same thing is happening every day to kids in foster "care" and nobody is screaming about that.

Maybe the dems should agree to a border wall budget, should make this happen a little less. Or maybe the conditions in mexico should be worked on, so they dont need to flee.

But no. Its like, totally popular to like, omg, blame trump.
Really hope you can learn from your own words.

You can just take a step back and not focus on it, just like you dont focus on the other 99% of problems in the world, or you can realize that the parents broke the law, and the kids cant go to jail with them.

Litterally this exact same thing is happening every day to kids in foster "care" and nobody is screaming about that.

Maybe the dems should agree to a border wall budget, should make this happen a little less. Or maybe the conditions in mexico should be worked on, so they dont need to flee.

But no. Its like, totally popular to like, omg, blame trump.
What problem is so severe that the US should be doing this?

Point and something tangible that justifies this.
Really hope you can learn from your own words.

You can just take a step back and not focus on it, just like you dont focus on the other 99% of problems in the world, or you can realize that the parents broke the law, and the kids cant go to jail with them.

Litterally this exact same thing is happening every day to kids in foster "care" and nobody is screaming about that.

Maybe the dems should agree to a border wall budget, should make this happen a little less. Or maybe the conditions in mexico should be worked on, so they dont need to flee.

But no. Its like, totally popular to like, omg, blame trump.
Seeking asylum isn't against the law, retard.
the parents broke the law

nope. this is happening to legal asylum seekers you racist jackass.

also, border crossing is a fucking civil offense on par with a speeding ticket.

meanwhile, you are bragging about how you commit a federal felony that carries years in prison as a punishment

you are a fucking two-faced, racist, nazi RAT

Maybe the dems should agree to a border wall budget.

didn't trump repeatedly brag that mexico would pay for the worthless wall you fucking cockroach?
What problem is so severe that the US should be doing this?

Point and something tangible that justifies this.
Run for office an be the change you want to see in the world then. If i try sneaking inti another country with my kid im going to bet we get seperated...

Im all for fixing the problems in mexico that makes them feel the need to flee, and for giving everyone a easier path to citizenship. I got no issues with people from mexico, my wife is from south america.
Run for office an be the change you want to see in the world then. If i try sneaking inti another country with my kid im going to bet we get seperated...

Im all for fixing the problems in mexico that makes them feel the need to flee, and for giving everyone a easier path to citizenship. I got no issues with people from mexico, my wife is from south america.
Any kids?
Run for office an be the change you want to see in the world then. If i try sneaking inti another country with my kid im going to bet we get seperated...

Im all for fixing the problems in mexico that makes them feel the need to flee, and for giving everyone a easier path to citizenship. I got no issues with people from mexico, my wife is from south america.
Don't give me moral outrage as justification for separating parents from children.

What problem is so severe that the US should be doing this? Point and something tangible that justifies this.
Look i know yall are triggered over this. But honestly what are you going to do to actually try to fix any of these issues for these people, other than rant online and at your friends to make yourselves feel good while you overlook things just as bad happening all around you.
An i bet none of you are going to try and do anything to actually help any of these people. You just want to look for people to hate. Im sure you could find a orginization to donate to to help get these people lawyers.
Really hope you can learn from your own words.

You can just take a step back and not focus on it, just like you dont focus on the other 99% of problems in the world, or you can realize that the parents broke the law, and the kids cant go to jail with them.

Litterally this exact same thing is happening every day to kids in foster "care" and nobody is screaming about that.

Maybe the dems should agree to a border wall budget, should make this happen a little less. Or maybe the conditions in mexico should be worked on, so they dont need to flee.

But no. Its like, totally popular to like, omg, blame trump.

By your own admission the wall " should make this happen a little less"

Well that's a vote of confidence!!! Probably thats the best possible outcome for it if it gets built.

the wall and its effectiveness are a hoax!

And btw a vast majority of thes asylum seekers are from Central American countries not mexico...
Don't give me moral outrage as justification for separating parents from children.

What problem is so severe that the US should be doing this? Point and something tangible that justifies this.
Im all for getting a better, easier path to citizenship for the people who cant get in legally. Right now though its a really bad idea to sneak into america. One issue that warrents this? How easy it is for terrorists to fly into mexico and cross into the usa is one i hear from my veteran friends. We need proper vetting and security so the wrong people arnt caught in a overly broad net.

Assuming im racist or a nazi is silly, and very innacurate.
How easy it is for terrorists to fly into mexico and cross into the usa

name all the times this has happened. should be easy, so do it ya fucking worhless racist POS

speaking of terrorism, inflicting permanent trauma on innocent kids to deter others is literally the definition of terrorism. and trump is guilty of it.

Assuming im racist or a nazi is silly

no one needs to assume you're a racist fucking nazi when you sit there arguing in favor of ripping crying toddlers away from their mommas
One dude says "hey maybe just dont break the law and it wont he a issue"
Other guy says "i wish i could kill people and get away with it because i decide if someone should get to live or not, not based on there actions, but based on there own opinion of a situation"

Hmmm... just think about that.

I mean common, really?
No you daft cunt... I want them ALL deported. Wait how you going to shoot me after you lefty cunts relinquish all your guns?

calm down you triggered nazi bitch

it is not necessary to inflict permanent trauma on innocent kids if all you want to do is deport them.

tell me why we need to implement nazi policy in the united states in order to deport people