I used systemic pesticide , should I throw it away ?


Active Member
Hi rollitup , I have used a systemic pesticide (thiamethoxam) a month a go on one of my plants and 4 month is left in my schedule to harvest , it worked great killed every flyer and after one month plant is still have complete resistance to pests , while my newly grown plants have sort of pests , but what is bother me is : it's systemic and hang on plant juice leaf tissue long time , I don't want throw this plant away as it is my biggest plant and maybe my survive , when I was using this pesticide a bit of it's water contacted with my hands and I could not move my hands for few hours hands buzzing like bee .
If it could be safe I use it on my untreated plants 4 month left to harvest or it will kill me ?
I wouldn't ingest anything that a systemic has been applied to. Or if you're into that you could chase a bowl of that with something from under the kitchen sink. You live and learn, I'm sure you won't do that again.
I wouldn't ingest anything that a systemic has been applied to. Or if you're into that you could chase a bowl of that with something from under the kitchen sink. You live and learn, I'm sure you won't do that again.

you think after 5 month of growing is it still dangerous ? I also transplanted it from older pot to new one . manufacture says use it 3 month before harvest on agriculture plants like tomato or berries etc ...
but this neem shit or organic pesticides could not kill this pests , they fuck whole plants surly , I'm sure if I did not use pesticide on this plant , aphids would eat whole plant .
you think after 5 month of growing is it still dangerous ? I also transplanted it from older pot to new one . manufacture says use it 3 month before harvest on agriculture plants like tomato or berries etc ...
You're going to have to use your own judgment. But I would scrap it and start over. No way that would be going in my body. Good luck.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the U.N. assessed thiamethoxam as "moderately hazardous to humans (WHO class III)", because it is harmful if swallowed.

I found this on manufacture site and it says use it 14 days before harvest on tobacco , would this help ?


if it is safe just use 14 days before harvest for tobacco how about 5 month for cannabis ?
but this neem shit or organic pesticides could not kill this pests , they fuck whole plants surly , I'm sure if I did not use pesticide on this plant , aphids would eat whole plant .
Organic products work great. I use them all the time.

If you got flyers then correct it. Most likely fungus gnats.

A layer of sand, perlite or much will break the breeding cycle.

Maybe learn the proper use of organic stuff and not poison yourself and others.
I found this on manufacture site and it says use it 14 days before harvest on tobacco , would this help ?


if it is safe just use 14 days before harvest for tobacco how about 5 month for cannabis ?
Tobacco isn't sold fresh, so there's surely a consideration to tobacco curing process.

is banned in several legal states for use on cannabis.

Just food for thought.
A lot of things are banned for cannabis because there's almost no research done. A liability-limiting measure, to be sure.
Meanwhile, tobacco is a very entrenched agricultural lobby....

It's all very nebulous and accurate information won't be around for another decade at least...

It's like Russian Roulette with cancer instead of a bullet...
you think I could take clones of it ? is it safe ?
It's a neonicotinoid. It means it's derived from nicotine. It may be a synthetic one.

As for how safe it is I'm not sure.

I would wager that it would be safe to smoke. I can't garuntee that. I'm also sure a lot of us have smoke black market week with no telling what poisons on it.
for outdoor grow pesticide is must especially in a populate city , when every new grown crop is ate by pest, last year I dropped some beans and tried not to use hard pesticides they all die of aphids ,leaf miners etc , if I used non systemic thing I should use it not luckily every day but every week to keep pests away like floramite this means more pesticide residual , I used neem oil the day after I watch plant and same aphids and chewers was present on plants . even now after one month of thiamethoxam I see some pests damage are happening on leaves , it's effectiveness is decreasing after one month
You eat produce every day, fresh or canned or frozen, treated with systemic pesticides. Hopefully within the approved treatment window. Usually nothing if 30 days or less remains before harvest. Grow it, water cure it if you're nervous and use it.
You eat produce every day, fresh or canned or frozen, treated with systemic pesticides. Hopefully within the approved treatment window. Usually nothing if 30 days or less remains before harvest. Grow it, water cure it if you're nervous and use it.

150 days is remaining to my harvest . I found some big pests I don't know what they are they are a little bigger then white flies,they are gray and yellow , they eat leaves and leave them chewed, the thiamexthoxam worked for one month no longer , I don't want use it again , but neem oil isn't working against them , I should let they chew my plants and piss me out ?
The average age of tobacco in smokes is about 5 years.... they don't keep repeating small batches like with pot.
They make a giant blend and add small amounts of fresh leaf to help the batch stay the same month after month, year after year.
The average age of tobacco in smokes is about 5 years.... they don't keep repeating small batches like with pot.
They make a giant blend and add small amounts of fresh leaf to help the batch stay the same month after month, year after year.
That way the addicted don't notice a change in taste. Its very clever.