The Momentum of Trumpian Fascism is Building: Stopping it is Up to Us


Well-Known Member
Looks like another victim cop out. My family has put up people in our homes. We've traveled to third world communities to volunteer our time and donate our goods. I've sent packages to children around the world. I do these things because I want to, not to virtue signal on some anonymous herb growing forum. I constantly hear bickering liberals crying about the state of the world and doing nothing about it. Maybe if you cry enough you can solve the water shortage plaguing many parts of the world. Be sure to desalinate first, liberals have been on a high sodium diet as of lately.
not everyone has to advertise their charity..that's actually part of the charity..selfless act..not bragging about or taking credit for.

your charity must be seldom since you feel the need to 'charity shame' someone else you know not anything of their contributions to society.


Well-Known Member
antifa claims to be defenders from fascism....i don't consider that to be true. i consider them to be disorganized, disaffected, ill informed thugs. they use whatever opportunity presents itself to try to get their point across, but they don't quite seem to know what their point is.
I was at a counter-demonstration in Portland Oregon last year. Fascists (not self declared but that's who they are) had scheduled a demonstration and parade through our streets just days after a white separatist and member of the fascist organization had murdered two people who interfered with his abuse of two girls on a light rail train. Antifa were at the counter-demonstration too. They behaved appropriately. No louder or obnoxious than the fascists. Their presence along with about 2000 people like me gave the fascists no appetite for moving beyond the police lines or terrorizing our neighborhoods by marching through them in their fascist regalia.

There would have been no riots or violence in Berkeley if fascists hadn't invaded the Berkeley campus with their pugnacious thugs. Yes, it becomes uncontrolled and unseemly when the two sides meet in conflict. That is how any conflict appears from the outside. On the inside, antifa are defending our streets from fascists. At least that's how it came down in Portland last year. Also in Boston.


Well-Known Member
"stopping it is up to us"

How many migrants have you taken in? How many Mexican refugee children have you adopted? Either actually do something or get off your virtue signalling soap box.
"Give us Bernie or we'll give you Trump..."

"Look what Trump is going, give us Bernie"

They're clinically retarded.

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
not everyone has to advertise their charity..that's actually part of the charity..selfless act..not bragging about or taking credit for.

your charity must be seldom since you feel the need to 'charity shame' someone else you know not anything of their contributions to society.
feel free to tally up my charity boasting posts. I was making a point. You're all empty words, no action.


Well-Known Member
Trump ordered a halt of refugees entering into the US in Feb. 2017. It was almost the first thing he did as prez.

People cannot legally house the immigrants arrested at our border under his zero tolerance policy. People could and did when Obama was in office but we can't now. Why are you continuing to pound away using this false line of reasoning?
Truth or reality do not limit his thinking.


Well-Known Member
Darn. Tell us how many refugees you had to turn away that were scheduled to shack up at your place. Did you have to return all those cots to Bed Bath and Beyond?
Soooooo you ridicule people who would actually help their fellow human beings?

You're a fucking fascist.

Maybe @UncleBuck is right about violence being the solution. It worked against the Nazis.


Well-Known Member
do not confuse having an opinion for crying....maybe some of us don't have the time and financial stability to travel and take in another mouth to feed.....maybe we do what we can anyway, and don't come to weed forums and tell everyone else what it is we're doing, because good deeds should be anonymous.....or maybe we just don't care as much as you......smh
You can have an opinion, as long as it's the same one as the fascists.


Well-Known Member
antifa claims to be defenders from fascism....i don't consider that to be true. i consider them to be disorganized, disaffected, ill informed thugs. they use whatever opportunity presents itself to try to get their point across, but they don't quite seem to know what their point is.
"Against Fascism"

Maybe you've been listening to too much TV news.