Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

Anybody else use a humidor to store buds they are currently smoking? I use one and as long as I keep the humidity around 40-45% even over dry buds that go in are re-hydrated in no time. :mrgreen:

If I could keep a bud around here for more than a few days, I'd use a humidor! Sounds like a great way to keep them at perfect smoking moisture content.

Damn you and your "precopernican obscurantist", Al! Still putting the meaning together in the larger context, here, but in the meantime a google search found this for you. :wink: Thanks for posting something I completely didn't understand. That always annoys/excites me :)

Glad it entertained you. ;)

heh, the Hon Paul J Keating used the 'precopernican' pejorative in regards to the hopelessly and regressively conservative John Winston Howard about a year ago- and I've used it whenever possible ever since. :lol:
If I could keep a bud around here for more than a few days, I'd use a humidor! Sounds like a great way to keep them at perfect smoking moisture content.

Yeah it works pretty well mine can hold up to 8oz of bud and I have it sectioned off so I can make my selection of buds. I keep the rest in Mason jars though. :mrgreen: I like to keep refilling it as I go so I always have nice smoke in hand. I used to have more variety in there, now I don't have much. About 2oz Arjan's haze, 3g Cali Skunk, 1g Bubblegum, 1g Purple Haze, 1g Northern Lights. Can you guess what I just harvested? :grin:
If you do get a humidor get rid of the crappy hygrometer and pick up a digital one though. :peace:
rofl not to change the subject but this greymatter guy has to be the most annoying individual on the planet.
I use Brawndo! It's got elecrolytes! It's got what plants want!

WTF? Some sort of spoof? :confused:

rofl not to change the subject but this greymatter guy has to be the most annoying individual on the planet.

Wouldn't give him/her that much credit. There's MUCH more annoying induhviduals out there. It continually amazes me how hard a troll will work to mess with some people who don't know any better.
Now, call me some names to make yourself 'righter.' Be inventive- you haven't gotten past form 2 yet. You COULD call me a precopernican obscurantist, ffs. :lol:
:shock: Them's soundin' like fightin' words to me!
Anybody else use a humidor to store buds they are currently smoking? I use one and as long as I keep the humidity around 40-45% even over dry buds that go in are re-hydrated in no time. :mrgreen:
Oh.. REALLY? I've thought about this, you know. How about on the scale of a small room? I got my dad a nice little humidor that I don't think he uses anymore... this girl's just got an idea.
Seamaiden, got any more pics of that bike? That thing is dead sexy... or seems to be, from the thumbnail :) I am waiting on the fate of mine, got into a bit of a wreck last week. Some road rash and staples and I'm nearly back to form, could have been a lot worse.
Of course.. 8) (you've gotta know I love my scoot, though lately craving a bit more.. "oomph", if you get my meaning) but I'd hate to hijack a thread like this. Maybe I'll put up a different shot in my sig, but haven't wanted to mess with the sig due to "the noo roolz". I haven't yet scrubbed out badly enough for rash, and I'm afraid to ask you what needed staples. :shock:
NG: I've wondered about humidors myself. Buds in jars/baggies/containers always end up drying out in time, seems like a humidor would work out as long as you can dial in the humidity level. Anyone?
My last question is how he keeps the humidity at that lower level, because as I recollect one keeps their cigars in conditions that sort of mimic the tropics (temp + humidity). Isn't something like RH70% ideal for good cigars (this without Googling)? I believe a special foam is used, something that I know as a florist's frog. It's a green, hard foam that holds stems in place, but also wicks up water through its cells.

So, He Whose Growth is Not Old, how do you control the humidity?
Oh.. REALLY? I've thought about this, you know. How about on the scale of a small room? I got my dad a nice little humidor that I don't think he uses anymore... this girl's just got an idea.Of course.. 8)

My last question is how he keeps the humidity at that lower level, because as I recollect one keeps their cigars in conditions that sort of mimic the tropics (temp + humidity). Isn't something like RH70% ideal for good cigars (this without Googling)? I believe a special foam is used, something that I know as a florist's frog. It's a green, hard foam that holds stems in place, but also wicks up water through its cells.

So, He Whose Growth is Not Old, how do you control the humidity?

You are hard to quote seamaiden! Humidor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let me check my humidor right now . . . it says 60%. When I add dry buds it drops sometimes (I think it was 45% yesterday cause I got some bud in the mail that was a bit dry) . . . I don't know if it would be feasible to store bud for really long term in there but I have buds from 6 months ago in there and they are perfect. You are right about the foam stuff that is what is in my humidor. I just add water too it and it keeps the humidity pretty consistent. If it gets too high I just take the foam thing out and let it dry a bit its on a magnet stuck to the top.
I believe a special foam is used, something that I know as a florist's frog. It's a green, hard foam that holds stems in place, but also wicks up water through its cells.

The stuff you're referring to is brand named 'Oasis.'


Rockwool slabs or cubes would be an acceptable substitute.
I haven't yet scrubbed out badly enough for rash, and I'm afraid to ask you what needed staples. :shock:

My last question is how he keeps the humidity at that lower level, because as I recollect one keeps their cigars in conditions that sort of mimic the tropics (temp + humidity). Isn't something like RH70% ideal for good cigars (this without Googling)? I believe a special foam is used, something that I know as a florist's frog. It's a green, hard foam that holds stems in place, but also wicks up water through its cells.

It was my shin... didn't even realize it was there until the paramedic sliced open my pant leg and said, "Woah, did you see this here?" "Huh?" "I can see your shin bone." So I got 2 firsts: first time I've been stapled closed (10 of 'em) and first time I've seen one of my own bones, live and in the flesh... literally.

I think cigars are kept at 70%, yes. Is that optimal for buds? I don't know. Might be something I can experiment with once I have enough that I have to worry about storing it for any length of time :lol:

As for the Wiki link, thanks! My google-fu is weak. I am ashamed. :roll: Anyway:
Obscurantism (from the Latin obscurans, "darkening") is the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or full details of something from becoming known. There are two common senses of this: (1) opposition to the spread of knowledge—a policy of withholding knowledge from the general public; and (2) a style (as in literature or art) characterized by deliberate vagueness or abstruseness.
I figured it was something similar, but according to this definition I am already very familiar with this concept in its physical manifestation: government.:spew:
Google-fu... :lol: My favorite is when I come up with things for which there is only the Googlewhack. I used to work with a man whose site is often a Googlewhack.

So, Doob, you didn't break anything, eh? Good work. I've been stapled closed, but they were the ones who cut me open in the first place. Glad to hear you're healing up!

Yes, Al, Oasis blocks! Someone else had already told me what they're called and, in typical fashion, I'd forgotten all but the little details.
figured i'd stop by and show everyone the progress :eyesmoke:

was in the shed for 6 days total. most of the bud stems snapped when dry, some needed a pinch but I figured it was time to go to jars.

I did it a few branches at a time but I ended up doing the whole harvest.



i smoked .5 in a dutch with my brother and a friend. I had been smoking NYCSD all night, and this bud put me on a whole 'nother level. already tastes good! :eyesmoke:

how's it look for a noob :roll::D
figured i'd stop by and show everyone the progress :eyesmoke:

was in the shed for 6 days total. most of the bud stems snapped when dry, some needed a pinch but I figured it was time to go to jars.

I did it a few branches at a time but I ended up doing the whole harvest.



i smoked .5 in a dutch with my brother and a friend. I had been smoking NYCSD all night, and this bud put me on a whole 'nother level. already tastes good! :eyesmoke:

how's it look for a noob :roll::D
Looks like i want a bong tokebongsmilie