Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

U should Google is a good source and free but let me correct all y'all I don't believe everything I read online but I do take everything in consideration and compare with other thoughts most of my knowledge came from this site from people like you and others that have a open mind to doing more to there plant then ever one else afraid to do like I said the information out there and people already have did most of the diff techniques all you got to do is type what ever you don't believe me about and the information pops up

I typed in saddest plant ever and this popped up

What is that
I don't understand why you flowered such small plants in such big pots if yield is a concern you have.
Because it's not small and my roots out grew last pot that it was in which is not that much smaller then the current one and I already see my roots at the bottom in this pot so stop with the too small plant thing cause it's not plus more roots more fruit
It's coo I know it pains u to give me credit especially cause u thought I had a small plant like the other people u talk yo non sense to

You literally have the tiniest plant I've ever seen. Small plants are fine. I don't mind a good small plant well trained and grown properly. That big dope plant you think you have literally Guna yield close to what guys grow in solo cups here. It's called the solo cup competition. They use a red solo cup and pull more than you do in your home decor pots.
If it did all the comercial growers around here would be doing it on a grand scale but instead they are taking care not to while focusing on things that really do work.
Commercial grows don't do alot of techniques because of so many plants and to much maintenance and oversight for them
You literally have the tiniest plant I've ever seen. Small plants are fine. I don't mind a good small plant well trained and grown properly. That big dope plant you think you have literally Guna yield close to what guys grow in solo cups here. It's called the solo cup competition. They use a red solo cup and pull more than you do in your home decor pots.
Lmao ok I'll let u think that and once again y'all coming for a cutting that was tooken from my big plant that I'm trying to clone so u gets no brownie points for pointing out how it looks like I said didn't have the proper set up for cloning but it rooted and my other clone is growing just fine
So instead of using a better pot like a grow bag that wont allow roots to swirl
You just flowered small plants in big pots
I understand.
Have a smart pot but it was occupied already by a male plant I already tossed out which is my profile pic
Lmao ok I'll let u think that and once again y'all coming for a cutting that was tooken from my big plant that I'm trying to clone so u gets no brownie points for pointing out how it looks like I said didn't have the proper set up for cloning but it rooted and my other clone is growing just fine

Yet you sit there posing with it in your pic. I guarantee you add that plant to your plant count when you tell your homies about your dope ass plants.