Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Like I said u never understood my thread from the get go never gave no specific technique to do was waiting on people to ask like I said which u have never tried when I said topping I was just trying to make people comfortable with stressing there plant
Here you go, follow in this genius's footsteps:


Well-Known Member
Finshaggy has returned
I swear, that's the first thing I thought when I read the title... I'm waiting for milk or mtn dew.

If reading makes me a better grower, I'm the greatest in the world after reading this thread!

Who knew hands on growing doesn't make you a grower... and all you need is to have read.
Thanks op for the eye opener.

Mr. Couch, you are a cyberbully! I don't like that you bring true knowledge of growing to a thread of such greatness.

At any rate, after reading this thread, I went and beat my plants off, I mean, I went and beat my plants to shit, threw a little gasoline on em, lit 'em, pissed 'em out (like R Kelly style even) and then subjected them to a hoard of spidermites. I can't wait for the most potent dank ass buds ever... I love you fin!
