Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency


Well-Known Member
@Singlemalt my bad bro it was too many messages going at once couldn't keep track of all the other spectators but this my thread that everyone hostility comes from


Well-Known Member
I went in the room twice every night naked with my chainsaw revved.
It worked
Once again I see y'all just want to turn a thread to a comedy show. when I created the thread I stated that the only thing I done was accidentally split my stem and all the other common LST bend, topping ect. Everything else I mention was what I read from other growers experience which some have had success , if you had other methods to improve potentcy then y'all should of mention them but y'all wanna call me stupid for making a opinion. Disagree of you want cause I have yet to try some of them things to see if they prove true


Well-Known Member
@Singlemalt my bad bro it was too many messages going at once couldn't keep track of all the other spectators but this my thread that everyone hostility comes from
Wow, you sure have developed quite the reputation here for a 3rd week noob.

People are rolling in from everywhere on the site to check this shit out.

Teach us, we know nothing. Loved the palm tree. Can I do that?


Well-Known Member
Once again I see y'all just want to turn a thread to a comedy show. when I created the thread I stated that the only thing I done was accidentally split my stem and all the other common LST bend, topping ect. Everything else I mention was what I read from other growers experience which some have had success , if you had other methods to improve potentcy then y'all should of mention them but y'all wanna call me stupid for making a opinion. Disagree of you want cause I have yet to try some of them things to see if they prove true
Ill be honest,
I've tried all sorts of shit.
Lots of us have
In fact I try weird shit all the time.

Now you be honest,
You posted the extra threads to stir the shit. You actually tagged people.

So now you are getting shit.
Be happy


Well-Known Member
Ill be honest,
I've tried all sorts of shit.
Lots of us have
In fact I try weird shit all the time.

Now you be honest,
You posted the extra threads to stir the shit. You actually tagged people.

So now you are getting shit.
Be happy
I am very fucking happy with the turn out I had u right that's my point of the thread. And I said in the post when I made the thread ( u can go back and check) that this is from what I read that other growers have tried. I told @Indacouch I wasn't going in detail cause I wanted to get questions to answer y'all just started talking shit first


Well-Known Member
Once again I see y'all just want to turn a thread to a comedy show. when I created the thread I stated that the only thing I done was accidentally split my stem and all the other common LST bend, topping ect. Everything else I mention was what I read from other growers experience which some have had success , if you had other methods to improve potentcy then y'all should of mention them but y'all wanna call me stupid for making a opinion. Disagree of you want cause I have yet to try some of them things to see if they prove true
Dude, if you had titled it "I fucked up and still got weed" you would have cheers instead of jeers.


Well-Known Member
Dude, if you had titled it "I fucked up and still got weed" you would have cheers instead of jeers.
Got damn y'all can't read shit. I can't fuck up what I haven't tried that's why I laugh at y'all calling me a dumb grower. All the ways y'all say to keep y'all plant healthy I already have done and do that's how I got this far I was just giving my opinion on doing more things to improve potency


Well-Known Member
I'll step in shit on this one.

No. I won't stress one on purpose.

Though I have noticed over the years that some of the best plants I ever smoked were runts that suffered an early frost or other stress.

I don't know why. I'm not talking bugs or balls. Nothing like that.

Runts make some of the best pot and hunting dogs.

I strive for optimal conditions and why I don't guerilla grow much anymore.
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Well-Known Member
I'll step in shit on this one.

No. I won't stress one on purpose.

Though I have noticed over the years that some of the best plants inever smoked were runts that suffered an early frost or other stress.

I don't know why. I'm not talking bugs or balls. Nothing like that.

Runts make some of the best pot and hunting dogs.

I strive for optimal conditions and why I don't guerilla grow much anymore.
Bout time I had somebody to give some insight the types of response I been waiting for some people don't like stressing they plants but like u said some do prove to improve the final bud we smoke


Well-Known Member
Bout time I had somebody to give some insight the types of response I been waiting for some people don't like stressing they plants but like u said some do prove to improve the final bud we smoke
I'm not saying it improves yield.

Things like topping, lst, super or monster cropping do.

Nails and splits balls and bugs not so much.

I do agree that certian stresses and even runts have made some of the best I've smoked I wouldn't do it on purpose.

The people in here know thier shit and are top notch growers.


Well-Known Member
Got damn y'all can't read shit. I can't fuck up what I haven't tried that's why I laugh at y'all calling me a dumb grower. All the ways y'all say to keep y'all plant healthy I already have done and do that's how I got this far I was just giving my opinion on doing more things to improve potency
What you don't understand is this.
The same topics come up constantly year after year. We battle stoner science multiple times a day.

When someone comes around pushing nonsense it is often dealt with harshly.

If the poster persists so does the beating.

This is not a new topic.
Hopefully we have shit on it enough that people will get it.

Fyi im for certain kinds of stress at certain times.
Like the sar response...

But stem poking not so much.

Good day sir
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Well-Known Member
I'm not saying it improves yield.

Things like topping, lst, super or monster cropping do.

Nails and splits balls and bugs not so much.

I do agree that certian stresses and even runts have made some of the best I've smoked I wouldn't do it on purpose.

The people in here know thier shit and are top notch growers.
Which I said bout that improving yield that's why I'm trying to figure out y everybody down my throat like I said something taboo or something it was made for old grower to say no u can do this way or ask y I think that but none of these growers did that called me stupid from the jump which I'm not offended but that's why I can care less about the grows some do look good but to much salt already thrown n the thread


Well-Known Member
What you don't understand is this.
The same topics come up constantly year after year. We battle stoner science multiple times a day.

When someone comes around pushing nonsense it is often dealt with harshly.

If the poster persists so does the beating.

This is not a new topic.
Hopefully we have shit on it enough that people will get it.

Fyi im for certain kinds of stress at certain times.
Like the sar response...

But cold water and stem poking not so much.

Good day sir
Like u said it's science some things might work some things might now never said they all do but I'm not gone say they all false when other people actually tried it and swears by the things they tried like I said I'm a new grower I was talking about improving yeild and potency, I already all the ways to improve yield but if y'all had other ways of improving potency which I was looking for then I would have listened with a open mind like I gave everything else I read on here


Well-Known Member
I am very fucking happy with the turn out I had u right that's my point of the thread. And I said in the post when I made the thread ( u can go back and check) that this is from what I read that other growers have tried. I told @Indacouch I wasn't going in detail cause I wanted to get questions to answer y'all just started talking shit first
So you want questions to answer....perfect.

How old is that fem plant you so graciously shared with us?


Well-Known Member
Like u said it's science some things might work some things might now never said they all do but I'm not gone say they all false when other people actually tried it and swears by the things they tried like I said I'm a new grower I was talking about improving yeild and potency, I already all the ways to improve yield but if y'all had other ways of improving potency which I was looking for then I would have listened with a open mind like I gave everything else I read on here


Well-Known Member
So you want questions to answer....perfect.

How old is that fem plant you so graciously shared with us?
June 14th I planted the germinated seed in soil I burned it up by having light to close and my girl had knocked the fan down I had between them and left it on the floor so it stop growing for about a week or so