Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

But everyone haven't failed some had success and alot of people said they haven't and would never try it

Some scientists deny climate change, that doesn't make them right. You're choosing to listen to the minority that agree with you instead of listening to the majority that say it's a waste of time for a beginner.

More to the point, learn the basics so you can objectively judge whether these "advanced" techniques actually work.
No actually I'm chirping up again, I think it's been about 10 pages since I pointed out why I disagree & think you're wrong.

My comments are based on how you roundly ignored my reply because it didn't fit your narrative. Also observing your language, spelling, phrasing & break down of that language which typically reflects agitated/defensive mindsets.

Your analogies (plants are just as protective as mother tigers, etc) reflect a poor understanding of botany. I fully believe plants are sentient (more so then their often credited with) but it's absurd to project our version of parenting onto them. When a beginner who is learning & doesn't have a firm grasp on what their talking about is convinced that all the more experienced growers don't know what their talking about & are ganging up on him for no reason; it's a good time to check your ego.
Indacouch first brought the tiger thing up so I said yes I know a plant is not like a tiger but like I said n human nature aminimal nature plant nature it protects the offspring from death never have I had a ego but I'm not gone kiss ass to people that's calling me out of my name and like I said I will always defend my thread doesn't mean I'm defensive just like to argue as you see when someone actually comments a constructive response with some substance behind it I give a respectful answer but u talk suit I got alot to talk back
Some scientists deny climate change, that doesn't make them right. You're choosing to listen to the minority that agree with you instead of listening to the majority that say it's a waste of time for a beginner.

More to the point, learn the basics so you can objectively judge whether these "advanced" techniques actually work.
See would of like see post like this at the beginning but a lil too late but like I said I am doing the basics right now that how I got the plant I got now to the fourth week of flowering was just wondering about some of the more advance stoner myths stuff that n my opinion actually might work
Plants have completely different evolutionary strategies to procreation then mammals. One of which is for them to be eaten to aid dispersal, what mammals encourage their young to be eaten then defecated out? I'm not sure what the analogy is there but it's not very good.

You aren't arguing though, you're just repeating yourself without offering anything to back up your opinions. All I've seen you say is there's plenty of info out there & to look it up ourselves. That or stretching to make points by comparing mammals to plants when their fundamentally different.
If I had size trees you got I don't think I would even care about improving yield and potency cuase I don't think it gets no better then that but on smaller plants do think it's more ways to get more out of it
Yes some training techniques do increase yield but take a lot of labor so you have to decide if its worth the effort. On the scale we grow it's too much labor to be effective.
See would of like see post like this at the beginning but a lil too late but like I said I am doing the basics right now that how I got the plant I got now to the fourth week of flowering was just wondering about some of the more advance stoner myths stuff that n my opinion actually might work

I said that back around page 6 or 7 but you ignored me because you were too busy arguing. That's about when you started talking about the fan club as a way of deflecting everyone's opinion that contradicts yours. If we're a fan club we can be ignored because it's really just one voice. Doesn't matter that I'm new or don't know anyone in this thread; I must be a fanboy because I disagree with you. That's why I stopped commenting, there was no point as you ignored what was being said. I thought I'd chime in again because I felt obligated to after reading through this & the other ridiculous thread you started. I would seriously take a step back & come back to read this again from the other perspective.