Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency


Well-Known Member
How will you know it improved anything.

Here is a news flash ding dong.
Two exact clones can express differently with even a mild environmental change.
I have seen it in the same room.

You have to many variables bill nye?
No controls.

Ahhh, fuck it.
Like I said I didn't care about the stem splitting only didn't want it to kill my plant but knew it wouldn't because people have done it with no I'll effect just made the point a plant can tolerate alot of stress


Well-Known Member
Gotcha which I know you can get the best plant with optimal conditions wanted to see if the other ways could hold up but I see u said 24 -36 hour darkness don't work and that one I have to disagree with now I haven't perform the long period darkness for end of harvest but I must say the long period for flip into flowers works wonders my plant showed it's sex as soon as I turned lights back on had two males with multiple balls stacked that wasn't there at all before flip and female plant grew white pistils
There is no way to know.

Cannabis becomes sexually mature at 4-6 weeks from seed. Meaning it will show balls or pistils at that time even in veg.

How did you determine it was the extended dark that did it? Was there a setup experiment with control plants?

It takes time for flowering hormones to build up. That varies by strain.

This is why people are busting your balls. What you are doing is not proof just correlation.


Well-Known Member
Theoretically an extended dark time before chop should raise terpenes.

Never really tried it. I just know that when I chop right before lights come on the smell more than if I were to chop when lights on or day time.

Light evaporates terpenes. I just don't know at what point of darkness the plant peaks terpene production.
Key word is should. I’ve seen no real difference, I simply start chopping when they’re done. Lights on, off or me dressed up as he-man with my sword of power. Lol


Well-Known Member
Definitely will try this and yea already know bout the apical dominance I topped, fim, LST, haven't supercrop might so I can avoid my stem breaking again.
Then why do you keep saying stressing plants by topping them increases yield to defend your point? That's not what's happening so if you understand apical dominance over stress, why are you spreading lies by saying the stress from topping increases yield.

LST or topping increase yields despite the stress they caused by maximising the usage of weak light indoors.


Well-Known Member
There is no way to know.

Cannabis becomes sexually mature at 4-6 weeks from seed. Meaning it will show balls or pistils at that time even in veg.

How did you determine it was the extended dark that did it? Was there a setup experiment with control plants?

It takes time for flowering hormones to build up. That varies by strain.

This is why people are busting your balls. What you are doing is not proof just correlation.
If my plants are growing with no white hairs or balls and I but the in the dark for 27 hours which I did and they grew balls and each set of branches and my female grew visible long white hairs that was never there wtf u think caused it to have so many flowering hormones and it was just in veg yesterday,... I'll wait


Well-Known Member
Ok so it was stress makes better yield and potency but now it is
Plants can tolerate stress.

I think we have finally reached you
The thread says when the plant is under stress it does the things we like and produce the things we like to smoke. When u top u still stress the plant but u benefit from aplical dominance disruption, y'all getting stuck on the word stress y'all sound stress

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
If my plants are growing with no white hairs or balls and I but the in the dark for 27 hours which I did and they grew balls and each set of branches and my female grew visible long white hairs that was never there wtf u think caused it to have so many flowering hormones and it was just in veg yesterday,... I'll wait
12 hours would’ve done the same. Jesus fucking Christ you suck so much ass.

It’s probably because of that micro peen you’re rocking.


Well-Known Member
A sufficiently strong illiteracy field will wrap around a Webster's and collapse it into a tiny, malevolent nugget of infinite incomprehensibility. A Dictionarity. This leads to a narrative space dominated by a Red Hole. Navigating around that is not for the faint of heart.

Tomorrow we move from astronomy to paleontology. I have a lovely treatise on how the late Brodacious Period had an ecology shaped by the utter dominance of the genus Thesaurus.
I can't wait to be elucidated as I've always been deeply concerned about the Thesaurus genus of the semantics epoch in relation to cogent arguments about esoteric irrelevance.

Edited; changed "semantics age" to "semantics epoch" for drunken semantical accuracy.

P.s. I know "semantical" is semantically incorrect but lightly inebriated brain doesn't care, it knows what it knows just like pwezzy.

P.p.s. I'm now concerned alcohol may make me more susceptible in infection by idiocy through proximity to infinitely dense ignorant belief's being promoted here.....
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
If my plants are growing with no white hairs or balls and I but the in the dark for 27 hours which I did and they grew balls and each set of branches and my female grew visible long white hairs that was never there wtf u think caused it to have so many flowering hormones and it was just in veg yesterday,... I'll wait
As was stated previously, the flowering hormones build up over time, during veg. The plant will show sex during veg (pre-flowers). The 12+ hours of darkness is what triggers it into going into full bloom.


Well-Known Member
The thread says when the plant is under stress it does the things we like and produce the things we like to smoke. When u top u still stress the plant but u benefit from aplical dominance disruption, y'all getting stuck on the word stress y'all sound stress
Because a plant is stressed from topping or whatever, doesn't mean it's desired.
After giving mad props to JJ, and him telling you, that he does not stress his girls at all, you fall right back into your own bullshit.
You are helpless.

I'm sure you'll reply now, but I think it funny you haven't commented on any of my post. Not that I want or need you to but I find it interesting. Simple observation.



Well-Known Member
Have said I understand the basic training on plants that's how I got this far. I can't be wrong about a opinion I had about something I said I read about OTHER people trying and wanted to see who agrees and disagree but I got called stupid for trying to create conversation.
You got called stupid for acting stupidly & ignoring what people with more experience have said. I know you think this is a novel topic to debate but it isn't. If you understood how often this is brought up with no proof but people vociferously defending opinions based on others opinions, you'd give up & only make a thread if you had something new to contribute. This has been debated to death for as long as I've used online forums, 20 years. What are you offering that's new vs rehashing old ideas that have never panned out but continue to be perpetuated by noobs like yourself?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Then why do you keep saying stressing plants by topping them increases yield to defend your point? That's not what's happening so if you understand apical dominance over stress, why are you spreading lies by saying the stress from topping increases yield.

LST or topping increase yields despite the stress they caused by maximising the usage of weak light indoors.
Because he doesn't understand that more colas does not necessarily equate to more weight.