Oregon Elite Seeds

That's actually pretty funny but the part you miss is here on this forum potentially hundreds could see address.

On OES's new site startup mishap only those with pending orders where compromised (so likely one or two would see your name and address).

Which I agree is totally uncool and I understand where many are coming from.

I know there is no way for anyone to get busted from compromised info on OES site (can't get warrant for hearsay)

There certainly is the possibility that someone like me (I used to rip off drug dealers in my youth) could show up at your grow!

Thing is, that personally I don't care concerning myself! Actually, been on both ends of a gun numerous times (kinda king of close calls) so I'm not afraid.

I'm more afraid of myself and what I'm capable of doing (and don't want too).

So I guess because I'm not worried about it that doesn't mean other's aren't.

Just the chances are very slim your gonna get someone like a young me showing up!


You're clown.A piece of shit clown.

Wanna come show up at my grow?Killa?

I've read your dumbass shit for a while now(remember you should go to jail for that)and have never typed a word.Until you proved you're a piece of shit that is ok with some one being locked up over growin,sellin what ever related to the very same plant you boast about.Mr almighty weed grower.HOW DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT YOU WORDS ARE SAYING?THIS YELLING SHIT IS GIVIN ME A FAT DICK THAT WANTS TO SPLOODGE ALL OVER YOUR HYPOCRITICAL FACE.YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

This post says you agree with a law saying some one can be imprisoned for a plant.Makes you a piece of shit.

Or even being imprisoned for "being a dumbass" as you put it.If being a dumbass in some sort of manner was a crime punished by imprisonment we'd all be locked up for it.At one point in every ones life they are "a dumbass" that just may have done some "dumb ass shit".Didn't you admit to that your self mr highly illegal underground weed dude for yrs??

Can you show me where i said i want bad things to happen to your fam??

You're 58 and so damn smart you can't comprehend.

I'll go into more detail for you on what my statement truly means......smartyguyfella....mmk?

What it means is if tomorrow you got bad news i wouldn't,couldn't feel any pain for your pain.You're a piece of shit that is ok on any person being locked up for a plant.And yet you grow it.UNREAL MOTHERFUCKER!!

Tryin to make a point that you agree with any law that will lock some one up concerning the plant you grow.Ilove it .....you can't make this shit up i'm fuckin tellin ya.I learned some thing today!
You're a piece of shit.The criteria......lmao
I haven't looked yet....have you posted your name and shit yet???Do you correlate any thing with your quote starting with "And from the 20+" and you postin say.....your name or address up?

You don't make any sense man! You just trying to pick my words apart like some kind of fucking troll and debate the semantics.

Read your own fucking post above. You wrote this like some kind of sociopath: "I wouldn't have a bit of remorse for some one like you if some thing bad happened to you or even your family,you piece of shit". (if you delete it they can read it in my reply).

I can understand for me but my family? Only a fucking dimwit sociopath would make such a statement as you don't even know my family and they haven't done anything against you (either have I...you just a nut!).

And as a sociopath you ain't feeling no pain for anyone because you don't have a conscience. I feel bad for you dude if this is all you have to do this afternoon.

I'm reformed and love everyone (even you vertnugs) but I like only very few! Now, gonna play some video games (58 and plays video games and grows pot...pretty cool huh?) so gonna put you on ignore now, "vertnugs", because this has evolved into a useless conversation and I think you likely are a nut!
not smug! didn't change or make the laws! Sorry you have issues with your state laws concerning growing cannibals! I grew weed long before it became legal to grow and was heavily involved in the illegal drug trade most of my life so fuck off punk!

I'm 58 and have been on the wrong side of the law most all my whole life and don't actually wish anyone to get busted but was trying to make a point. Hey, some don't have the IQ to be good smart criminals so that's my fault?

If gonna do stuff illegal don't be dumb about it....that's my point!

Your point seems to be resentment towards my good fortune to live in a cool state with cool weed laws!

You seem to misunderstand how problematic growing marijuana can be, even when grown “legally”. People can lose their jobs, lose their leases, and even lose custody of their kids. Additionally, with social media today, a name and city can get you enough information to do severe harm to someone’s life. You might not have anything worth losing, but most people don’t feel that way.

Additionally, part of being a smart grower includes not purchasing from a seed bank that has a history of releasing private information. You’re saying people need to be smart, well being smart means avoiding banks like this. Seriously, you can get the exact same seeds with the exact same service from any number of seed banks that haven’t had the same history of letting customer information out and then continued to ignore it for months. What makes OES special that you feel the need to defend them to such a degree?
Hello Everyone,

I have been growing for a solid year and now I think I can take the challenge of taking on other strains. I would want the communities help on the next part of my growing venture. To help me become a master grower I have to be able to grow any strain no matter if I know it or not. I want to create a series on on Youtube called "Mystery Sea of Green" were people in the community would send me seeds to grow and after the grow is done. The person would then let me know what the strain was. I would record day by day including trimming, super cropping, lollipop-ing , and also collecting data to be accessed by the public. That could help someone else on grow these strains and what type of problems I encountered myself. The mission would be to first, find a mother plant. Second successfully be able to clone from the mother plant. Last but not least the drying and manicuring of the flower. Thank you for taking the time out your day to read this. If your open to the idea and are wanting to be apart of this let me know!

Best Regards,
You seem to misunderstand how problematic growing marijuana can be, even when grown “legally”. People can lose their jobs, lose their leases, and even lose custody of their kids. Additionally, with social media today, a name and city can get you enough information to do severe harm to someone’s life. You might not have anything worth losing, but most people don’t feel that way.

Additionally, part of being a smart grower includes not purchasing from a seed bank that has a history of releasing private information. You’re saying people need to be smart, well being smart means avoiding banks like this. Seriously, you can get the exact same seeds with the exact same service from any number of seed banks that haven’t had the same history of letting customer information out and then continued to ignore it for months. What makes OES special that you feel the need to defend them to such a degree?

I would think that one wouldn't put oneself in a position to lose a job, lease, or kids! Never heard of legally grown pot costing people those things!

My wife takes opiates instead of pot and that is her choice. Not everyone is cut out for growing/smoking, etc. especially at the costs you mention.

My problem is I have been reading reviews etc. on seedbanks for over a year. So far (haven't ordered from that many) got good gear from Seedsman, and ordered from Nirvana and Heaven's Gate in late 90's and was very happy. Got some bad seeds that wouldn't pop (at all) from a UK seedbank so decided I would try an American seedbank.

Much misinformation out there about seedbanks. Even fake sites with fake reviews that look all good and convincing. So after more than a year of researching seedbanks I consider myself somewhat of an expert on seedbanks.

Now very few American seedbanks can use credit card and I like that option. I already had OES researched and in my favorites when I came upon this thread. I'm sorry for those whose info was compromised (I wouldn't be that happy about it myself). However, I didn't experience this glitch myself and if I had experienced the glitch perhaps I would feel different.

But just isn't enough to prevent me from ordering. I jumped in here on this thread because I felt OES owner was getting a bad rap (my interpretation).

I mean come on...OES thread with over 200 pages and now suddenly due to, "new site", glitch they are bad guys (never mind the years of good service and product right?).

Sorry just not seeing it. Plus some here in this thread that are hammering OES never even ordered from them....like a pack of dogs that are just fucking trolls starting shit!
I would think that one wouldn't put oneself in a position to lose a job, lease, or kids! Never heard of legally grown pot costing people those things!

My wife takes opiates instead of pot and that is her choice. Not everyone is cut out for growing/smoking, etc. especially at the costs you mention.

My problem is I have been reading reviews etc. on seedbanks for over a year. So far (haven't ordered from that many) got good gear from Seedsman, and ordered from Nirvana and Heaven's Gate in late 90's and was very happy. Got some bad seeds that wouldn't pop (at all) from a UK seedbank so decided I would try an American seedbank.

Much misinformation out there about seedbanks. Even fake sites with fake reviews that look all good and convincing. So after more than a year of researching seedbanks I consider myself somewhat of an expert on seedbanks.

Now very few American seedbanks can use credit card and I like that option. I already had OES researched and in my favorites when I came upon this thread. I'm sorry for those whose info was compromised (I wouldn't be that happy about it myself). However, I didn't experience this glitch myself and if I had experienced the glitch perhaps I would feel different.

But just isn't enough to prevent me from ordering. I jumped in here on this thread because I felt OES owner was getting a bad rap (my interpretation).

I mean come on...OES thread with over 200 pages and now suddenly due to, "new site", glitch they are bad guys (never mind the years of good service and product right?).

Sorry just not seeing it. Plus some here in this thread that are hammering OES never even ordered from them....like a pack of dogs that are just fucking trolls starting shit!

How was he getting a bad rap? People brought up the info leak multiple times and he ignored it for a month. Then he said it was fixed for an additional two months, when it wasn’t.

I can understand a bug in the code. It happens. It means whoever built it had poor dev practices, but whatever. I’m not expecting professional software engineers to be building marijuana seed sites. But straight up ignoring it for months and insisting it was fixed when it wasn’t is bullshit. The owner had every opportunity to apologize and ensure that nothing like that would ever happen again. Instead he became argumentative and tried to pass the blame to other people. That’s not somebody I would give my money to, whether that business was marijuana seeds or selling T-shirts. Let me reiterate. This isn’t acceptable behavior for an entirely legal business owner to behave. That it’s a gray area business makes it ten times worse.

And people lose their jobs every day for testing positive for marijuana. Even in legal states. All it takes is an anonymous tip to CPS, and they’re at your door and could have your kids in foster care that night because in their opinion a legal grow could still endanger a child. The loosening laws might mean marijuana is more acceptable than in the past, but people can and are still having their lives ruined over it. That you don’t realize that is just naive.
wasn't quite 3 months and I read over 20 pages myself and if I was the owner to OES I would likely not only quit responding to this thread but would think, "gee, bunch of assholes over there at Rollitup"!

Who needs it?!?!?

He didn't have to respond at all and considering some of the responses to him I don't blame him for being a little irate. He admitted the mistake (and I believe he honestly had nothing to do with it).

Unfortunately, throw in some mental case kid trolls and it's like, "what's the use"?

And don't know what legal states your talking about because ain't like that here.

And come on man.....since when is smoking pot worth your kids or your job, or lease. I have had jobs in my life (since 1973 when I started smoking) that I couldn't smoke due to possible urine test. So you DON"T DO WEED if gonna cost all that....plain and simple!

Go to the doc and get some zanak or pain pills, etc. Pot isn't like oxygen! We can live without it especially if gonna cost one their job, kids, or lease.
wasn't quite 3 months and I read over 20 pages myself and if I was the owner to OES I would likely not only quit responding to this thread but would think, "gee, bunch of assholes over there at Rollitup"!

Who needs it?!?!?

He didn't have to respond at all and considering some of the responses to him I don't blame him for being a little irate. He admitted the mistake (and I believe he honestly had nothing to do with it).

Unfortunately, throw in some mental case kid trolls and it's like, "what's the use"?

And don't know what legal states your talking about because ain't like that here.

And come on man.....since when is smoking pot worth your kids or your job, or lease. I have had jobs in my life (since 1973 when I started smoking) that I couldn't smoke due to possible urine test. So you DON"T DO WEED if gonna cost all that....plain and simple!

Go to the doc and get some zanak or pain pills, etc. Pot isn't like oxygen! We can live without it especially if gonna cost one their job, kids, or lease.
You have a hard time reading things. HE KNEW ABOUT THE GLITCH FOR MONTHS AND DIDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. HE EVEN LIED ABOUT IT. "Admitted mistake" my ass.
The criteria was illegal sales at an illegal grow location...that's it!

You want to read a bunch of other crap into it then fucking fine dude!

You're talking about criteria now but you were just spending the last page defending the guy with the security breach where peoples personal info was being shown to others. I believe the quote was "then that's your risk".

You're a prick and @genuity is a prick for co-signing your comment.

Big tough guy with criteria.. the only thing Im reading into is the words you've typed
Your reading comprehension is terrible at best. You said you read that the info issue was only for pending orders....you couldnt be more wrong.
It affected almost the entire site...if not the whole sites member list which was supposedly thousands of members, not just pending orders (which was mentioned more than a handfull of times in the 20+ pages you claimed to have read).

You also mention that you have never ordered from OES before. Guess what pal? I have -multiple times, and I was very happy with OES until I saw how my personal info was being handled and the lack of care for 2 months when it was brought to Toby's attention. How is it you feel entitled to call out people like me as haters/idiots etc and say that the people bitching "are trolls who likely have never ordered from OES" when you have ZERO exeprience or orders in with this bank yourself? Your the last person that should be chiming in like your opinion matters.

You also claim to not care if "some stoners have your personal info". If thats the case, Im sure it can be arranged to have all your personal info posted in this thread for a bunch of stoners to see since you dont care. Maybe a picture to go with it?

Ok, so lets summarize all of your ramblings here:

-You dont care if you get doxxed, but dont want your info on this thread because "its different" since more people can potentially see it. Ok then -send me a PM with your personal info. Im only one person so its ok right?
-You are a crazy, tuff guy that everyone should fear if they are coming to rob you.
-You have never purchased anything from OES but you read reviews for a year, so you are a pro and know it all.
-Everyone that expressed concern about their personal info being put out without care is a dumbass and a troll.
-You believe Toby was a victim in this whole fiasco and he had no control over how to handle this issue.

I honestly hope more assholes like you come to this thread since you keep putting the issue of how peoples personal info was mishandled right to the top for anyone coming here to see. We need dummies like you to keep this info fresh....I almost feel I should be thanking you for helping the cause.
You're talking about criteria now but you were just spending the last page defending the guy with the security breach where peoples personal info was being shown to others. I believe the quote was "then that's your risk".

You're a prick and @genuity is a prick for co-signing your comment.

Big tough guy with criteria.. the only thing Im reading into is the words you've typed
You care that much about likes?


I can like what the fuck I want..

He said some shit I liked..

But at the end of the day,"breeders" keep stocking him with seeds,so it must not be that bad...?

Do they not know about this situation? Is this a hidden thread?
What's really going on?
You care that much about likes?


I can like what the fuck I want..

He said some shit I liked..

But at the end of the day,"breeders" keep stocking him with seeds,so it must not be that bad...?

Do they not know about this situation? Is this a hidden thread?
What's really going on?

I couldnt care less wtf you like bruh.. Only a prick would co-sign this joker.. Just funny to see your name being the only one to like anything this chump has said..
I couldnt care less wtf you like bruh.. Only a prick would co-sign this joker.. Just funny to see your name being the only one to like anything this chump has said..
When did I co-sign something he said?

Or are likes "co-signs"?

I'm lost...

And you must care,you the one going off likes...like wtf?
When did I co-sign something he said?

Or are likes "co-signs"?

I'm lost...

And you must care,you the one going off likes...like wtf?

Do I really have to explain what it means to co-sign something someone says or are you just pretending to be a fool? :roll:

Do I really have to explain what it means to co-sign something someone says or are you just pretending to be a fool? :roll:

The internet always wins
". (negative scenario - some random party) "I think your buddy's about to get his ass beat." "Who said he's my buddy? I just walked in next to him, I didn't co-sign for him.".

This thread is nuts..

The problem is people act like they run someone,and things need to be done they way...
It do not work like that..

First it was a glitch,then it was how long it took to fix it,then it went to how OES went about it..ECT

He’s been defending OES since the info leak was first brought up. Just search his posts in this thread. Who fucking knows why.

And in response to this particular comment of his, nobody’s telling him how to run his company, just give two shits about keeping his customer’s info secure. It’s literally the least expected of any web based company. How is that an unreasonable thing?

Also, it’s etc., short for et cetera.
Wow, this has gone way to far. I think there are a few things we can all agree on 1) it was not handled very professionally
2) it was not handled in a timely manner
3) we ALL think it could of been handled better.

With that said it was fixed im sure he lost quite a bit of business from it and i bet ur ass he learned a lesson from all this. I also say that we all mess up, now if you dont want torder from him again say ur peace and move on. Let me also say i have not made an order from him sense all of this but he has gear that others dont and when im ready to pick up more of their gear ill hit him up but this arguing over the same point over and over is Beyond pathetic.
Your reading comprehension is terrible at best. You said you read that the info issue was only for pending orders....you couldnt be more wrong.
It affected almost the entire site...if not the whole sites member list which was supposedly thousands of members, not just pending orders (which was mentioned more than a handfull of times in the 20+ pages you claimed to have read).

You also mention that you have never ordered from OES before. Guess what pal? I have -multiple times, and I was very happy with OES until I saw how my personal info was being handled and the lack of care for 2 months when it was brought to Toby's attention. How is it you feel entitled to call out people like me as haters/idiots etc and say that the people bitching "are trolls who likely have never ordered from OES" when you have ZERO exeprience or orders in with this bank yourself? Your the last person that should be chiming in like your opinion matters.

You also claim to not care if "some stoners have your personal info". If thats the case, Im sure it can be arranged to have all your personal info posted in this thread for a bunch of stoners to see since you dont care. Maybe a picture to go with it?

Ok, so lets summarize all of your ramblings here:

-You dont care if you get doxxed, but dont want your info on this thread because "its different" since more people can potentially see it. Ok then -send me a PM with your personal info. Im only one person so its ok right?
-You are a crazy, tuff guy that everyone should fear if they are coming to rob you.
-You have never purchased anything from OES but you read reviews for a year, so you are a pro and know it all.
-Everyone that expressed concern about their personal info being put out without care is a dumbass and a troll.
-You believe Toby was a victim in this whole fiasco and he had no control over how to handle this issue.

I honestly hope more assholes like you come to this thread since you keep putting the issue of how peoples personal info was mishandled right to the top for anyone coming here to see. We need dummies like you to keep this info fresh....I almost feel I should be thanking you for helping the cause.

Owner repeatedly said it was only pending orders. Never said ALL those responding were troll, haters, idiots. Said MANY and SOME were! Also, never said, "-Everyone that expressed concern about their personal info being put out without care is a dumbass and a troll". You erroneously quote me just like fucking a troll. Your reading comprehension sucks. But actually you misquote me on purpose like a troll.

You got fucking guilty conscious punk?

I don't care what the fuck you do or what the fuck you think!

Don't order from them....I don't care!

This is pointless! So I will buy from OES and you won't....who fucking really cares man!

I'm gonna really try and not look back here at this thread because obviously SOME have way to much time on their hands. And this is a fucking waste of my time!
I'm gonna really try and not look back here at this thread because obviously SOME have way to much time on their hands. And this is a fucking waste of my time!
Says the guy with 16 posts in the last 3 pages (4 days) arguing in favor of a seed bank he has ZERO experience with and talking trash the whole time to those that do have experience with OES, and also had been ignored & lied to when their personal info was mishandled.

-Have you ever placed an order with OES? -NO
-Were you affected by the mishandling of your personal info? -NO
-Were you ignored when you brought it to the owners attention? -NO
-Were you lied to when you were told it has been fixed? -NO

Im still trying to figure out how you think you or your skewed opinions are even relevant in this thread?