Trump nominates Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court

By running in a naturally liberal district. Try that in a red state. Can you show me so.e of the successes JDs have had in red states?
Ocasio-Cortez beat Crowley, a 10 term incumbent, as a white male. Crowley won 10 times, yet OC comes in and steals it from him and all of a sudden it's a "diverse district"? She even won the fucking white vote, 57%. Fuck yourself

She didn't win cuz she was latina, racist, she won because her platform was better than the establishments

Lee Carter in Virginia
Randall Woodfin in Birmingham, Virginia
Brent Welder in Nebraska is poised to win
O'Rourke in Texas has a good chance of beating Cruz
Nixon in New York has a good chance of beating Cuomo

Want more?
OC won because of her policies

It's racist to claim otherwise.
She won 57% of the white vote

According to the city Board of Elections tally I saw, of the 214,750 active registered Democratic voters in the district, only 27,744 voted. Ocasio-Cortez won by around 4,000 votes. When you realize that 13% of voters made this decision, it hardly seems like the movement, you're making it out to be,
According to the city Board of Elections tally I saw, of the 214,750 active registered Democratic voters in the district, only 27,744 voted. Ocasio-Cortez won by around 4,000 votes. When you realize that 13% of voters made this decision, it hardly seems like the movement, you're making it out to be,
They seem pretty damn sensitive about it too. I have literally never said a bad thing about her and yet I have been called a racist by the same goofball that claims the need to shun "identity politics". Tty and Pad are in full meltdown mode.
According to the city Board of Elections tally I saw, of the 214,750 active registered Democratic voters in the district, only 27,744 voted. Ocasio-Cortez won by around 4,000 votes. When you realize that 13% of voters made this decision, it hardly seems like the movement, you're making it out to be,
It's a primary, genius. They don't get the same turnout as the main event.

The fact that you'd turn this into 'evidence' screams of your bias.
According to the city Board of Elections tally I saw, of the 214,750 active registered Democratic voters in the district, only 27,744 voted. Ocasio-Cortez won by around 4,000 votes. When you realize that 13% of voters made this decision, it hardly seems like the movement, you're making it out to be,
Imagine only winning by 15% where only 13% of people voted...

Such popularity, very wow-sers.
Isn’t name calling the sign of an intolerant liberal?

Your name calling of pinworm using a bigoted slur made him suicidal

fail. pinny's been suicidal. We used to PM. He told me a lot of things during that time..things which some may consider disturbing..things that I kept to myself but once you know you might not like him so much.

where is pinny anyway?
You sound a lot of time trying to tell others they aren't smart.

Doesn't look good on you.

Do you prefer buffoon?
You are a bona fide example of too stupid to realise his own stupidity, it’s quite rare amongst those who know how to log on. You post garbage written by incoherent jingle mongers, rather like yourself recently.
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You claim candidates can't win unless they take big corporate money. Yet you also claim all the money JD spent went to admin costs and consultants. So how could more than 2 dozen JD/OR candidates win without any money?

Then why have more than half a dozen JD and OR candidates won?

The only "purity test" I have is that political candidates don't accept corporate PAC money
Most are primaries against other liberals in liberal districtts for local and state offices. Given the thousands of races this year 2 dozen is hardly something to be excited about. For national office, Progressives(TM) endorsed by Our Revolution's who won their primaries number at 8. 210 seats to go for a majority.

They won primaries in liberal districts. Ocasio-Cortez for example won in a safe Democratic district. Before you start crowing, start winning against Republicans in conservative districts as Democrats from the productive wing of the party have done and are set to do in the fall.

We need to win more than 218 seats. Progressives(TM) and the 8 or fewer seats they hold will be a welcome but small group in the Democratc caucus.
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