Owner of rollitup is selling site because he's committing crimes.

w/e dude, you think you're blowing any whistles? you think the "authorities" don't already watch these sites? if you're making unfounded accusations, they're more likely to come have a talk with you about wasting their time. they don't need amateur private eyes helping them out, and i highly doubt they'll appreciate you wasting their time.
w/e dude, you think you're blowing any whistles? you think the "authorities" don't already watch these sites? if you're making unfounded accusations, they're more likely to come have a talk with you about wasting their time. they don't need amateur private eyes helping them out, and i highly doubt they'll appreciate you wasting their time.
This is what they exist for, break federal law then you have to answer for it.
w/e dude, you think you're blowing any whistles? you think the "authorities" don't already watch these sites? if you're making unfounded accusations, they're more likely to come have a talk with you about wasting their time. they don't need amateur private eyes helping them out, and i highly doubt they'll appreciate you wasting their time.
Cannabis seeds that contain THC growing plants are federally banned everywhere, all' I gotta say is comply.
selling seeds world wide is extremely illegal.
world wide illegal activity

Seeds are not illegal world wide you fucking idiot.
In most of Europe seeds are perfectly legal.
I'm English and I can buy cannabis seeds from about 3 shops in my town, totally legit.

Cannabis seeds that contain THC growing plants are federally banned everywhere

Like I said, I'm English.
You think I give the slightest fuck what your federal law says? :lol:.......:clap:.......:dunce:

It maybe legal to grow and receive seeds where you live but they are willing to sell to me a person who does not live in a legal area.

And it's up to you not to break your local laws.

Implied Facepalm.jpg
This is what they exist for, break federal law then you have to answer for it.
You should be banned as some sort of snitch at this point. Mind your own damn business. I break federal law EVERY DAY. Cops don't come because I'm not breaking state law. Feds don't come because they don't care about my personal garden.
As a matter of fact, I'm gonna break federal law right now and roll a fat joint and put it in the air. Come get me feds, I'm smoking a joint.