Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
you're parents are religious hypocrites.

fuck your whole god damn family...

I'll pass the message on. none of us kids are religious and the parents I would say these days are borderline religious, don't got to church anymore. You don't need to give me crap about religion lol, growing up with it I know exactly how bad it is.

Do you want me to PM you mum's number ? it might be easier and you seem pretty keen.
I know this is going to be a controversial topic but hear me out.

I came to this forum a year or so ago having never smoked in my life (35 years old)l and I was under the impression that pot smokers were the most laid back relaxed people after watching movies and tv etc.. Now I'm a very social person I'm usually the one who organizes car cruises in our club and all the fun stuff we do at work in the office. So safe to say I was completely shocked how aggressive people are in here ! It's unbelievable. I know its a non moderated forum, but I'm apart of a few of them and I have never seen anything close to the Sh#$t that goes on in this group. I don't even check a few sub forums because all they do is fight and bitch.

The more that I think about it, the 3 close friends I do have that have all been smoking for years ( I love them to bits of course) but they all are very anti social and only have 2-3 friends in their life. And generally they are aggressive to other people whether it be at the pub on Fri night or while playing PUBG (online games)

The thing that I guess scared me a little is well that after trying pot for a month or so I don't know if it is just a placebo effect but I found my self wanting to bite back more and people and found that I was getting into more arguments online ?? I've stopped now and haven't smoked in 2 months.

So what are your thoughts guys who are pretty heavy smokers ? I'm not trying to offend anyone as I have also met some really nice people here. Does Cannabis make your more aggressive ? Or do just naturally aggressive people tend to smoke ? Or is it just the same logic as drinking .. it just lowers your inhibitions so all that built up anger you've held down over the years just leaks out a little haha.
I'm anti social. It's not that I don't like people, I just don't like them to be where I'm at.

I had to stop smoking and growing for 12 years, {I actually only lasted 11} and I was just as anti social then as now. I'm an everyday, but not a heavy smoker. I guess I smoke about half an ounce a month. Weed does not make me aggressive. If anything it makes me more withdrawn.