Does Cannabis make you an anti-social aggressive ?

Does Cannabis personally make your more aggressive

  • Yes you S$#%t F$#%$k Ass$% son of a bitch

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • No I don't think so

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • I'm currently too bake to tell.

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
I'm surprised you're not interested in anal. You're mother and father were big advocates of the ass fucking. Do you know what pegging is?

I'm pretty much a mix of my parents but I guess I must of skipped the anal fetish gene. I can't say I do know what pegging is sorry. Do you want me to google it or are you going to show me :P
I smoked everyday for 14 years, I stopped for a year while moving and starting a new crop. I always had a very short temper but after stopping a few months less and less things would bother me, in that time I became extremely outgoing and social, once i started smoking again I would come up with excuses to not go out so I could stay at home and smoke, also my short temper came back
I smoked everyday for 14 years, I stopped for a year while moving and starting a new crop. I always had a very short temper but after stopping a few months less and less things would bother me, in that time I became extremely outgoing and social, once i started smoking again I would come up with excuses to not go out so I could stay at home and smoke, also my short temper came back

Thanks buddy, that's pretty much what a few people ( not everyone) has said as well.. Maybe it might just be a few of us with similar personalities or traits to begin with that weed might adversely effect. It is not the easiest thing to admit something that you love doing is negatively effecting your life. As someone else said maybe more moderation might reduce the angst.
That's was possibly my next thought if the majority though that it didn't. Do just naturally aggressive people tend to get attracted to weed ?
I'm not having a go at anyone, it's the internet you can do what your want at the end of the day. This is more just curiosity killed the cat thing.

You may have point. I've had my aggression issues in the past and have seen many other aggressive people use weed to chill. There's a lot of self aggrandizing going on here and people have fragile ego's and have trouble understanding other people's views but other than that we're all just one big fucking happy dysfunctional family here.
Popeye would puff the hibi-jibi and fuck Bluto up. It's scared me away from the marijuanas forever.
To deal with my fear of Popeye and the marijuanas, I smoke copious amounts of cannabis. Just talking about all of this has made me edgie. Another bowl of weedies to the rescue.
i think weed may make you more anti social, if you have those tendencies to begin with. if you're a very social, outgoing person, i don't think it'll turn you into a hermit.
likewise with the aggression, if you're a very peaceful, non violent person, i don't think getting high is going to make you go look for a fight. if you're already an asshole, it might make you a bigger asshole, or it might mellow you out, i'd say it depends very much on whats going on around you at the time. it sort of amplifies normal things, so if theres a lot of annoyances at the moment, they might get amplified to the point where you have to do something about it. that makes you look a little crazy to those who aren't being annoyed by the same things you are.
Popeye would puff the hibi-jibi and fuck Bluto up. It's scared me away from the marijuanas forever.
To deal with my fear of Popeye and the marijuanas, I smoke copious amounts of cannabis. Just talking about all of this has made me edgie. Another bowl of weedies to the rescue.

You're fairly close on the genius.

I'll bet her QPA was higher than yours by 2 + points. And there's only 4.

I bet it is higher than 3+ points as I don't even know what it is lol.
So you guys can give it but can't take it I see... anyways lads catch yas later I'm gona go back and talk with the adults.