i've gone through it on this post with links and BoE calculation to back it up
again and again to supply the power needs of the usa you would need to cover an area more than whole state of arizona with solar thermal to do it
that is why i say some solar panels on your roof wont do anything close to going LONG way to helping
@doublejj is right; covering roofs with solar panels would be huge, not least because all that rooftop real estate is already there and otherwise unused.
Keep in mind that up to 30% of peer generated is lost in transmission from plant to customer. Rooftop solar doesn't suffer from this problem because the primary user is literally just feet from the source. That makes it even more efficient.
Solving the world's energy demands issues is going to take a flexible approach. You seem stuck on the notion that the one size of nuclear fits all and nothing else will do. That's incorrect and unrealistic; forest, nuclear needs to run flat out constantly, aka 'baseload' power generation. Yet power consumption is anything but flat; it fluctuates with time of day, day of the week, the seasons and with the rise and fall of various industries.
The notion that the only waste created by breeder reactor plants is the fuel is laughable; the whole facility becomes increasingly radioactive over time. In fact, long exposure to that very radiation is exactly why they have finite lifespans!
The half lives of all that radioactive material is measured in millennia; it will take longer for that material to become safe than the entirety of the story of human civilisation.
You seem awfully sanguine about leaving an incredibly dangerous and dirty legacy for our great grand children's great grandchildren. Maybe you don't care about that but once the costs are made clear, the vast majority of the rest of us most certainly do.
In other words, find a way to power your Xbox WITHOUT polluting the next 1000 generations of humans, FFS!