Assange the rapist headed to face the music

Really? Before you can say that, he has to be convicted first.

Those charges were dropped.

But don't let facts get in the way of your narratives.
Those charges were dropped. He has to be convicted in a UK trial in order to be deprived of his freedom. Dropping charges doesn't mean he didn't do it. I've read the charges and accounts of the story and believe the victims. From all accounts, Assange is just another histrionic narcissist sociopath. Not that ALL histrionic narcissists (pointing at you) are rapists.

I also think Trump raped an underage girl and others because I believe the women who accused him. Come to think of it, Trump is also a histrionic narcissist. Seems to be a lot of that going around.
Those charges were dropped. He has to be convicted in a UK trial in order to be deprived of his freedom. Dropping charges doesn't mean he didn't do it. I've read the charges and accounts of the story and believe the victims. From all accounts, Assange is just another histrionic narcissist sociopath. Not that ALL histrionic narcissists (pointing at you) are rapists.

I also think Trump raped an underage girl and others because I believe the women who accused him. Come to think of it, Trump is also a histrionic narcissist. Seems to be a lot of that going around.
I have a theory the Kremlin’s Trump tape isn’t a pee video. I’ll bet Putin caught onto his pedophilia penchant, and that’s the blackmail; money laundering, tax evasion, and treason being a given.
He is getting rather defensive defending a rapist.
@ttystikk have you ever been accused of rape ? Did you get blamed for something you did not do ?
Have you?

The problem is that you and your lil echo chamber crew here have long since substituted groupthink for critical thinking.

I realize that it doesn't take as much effort, maybe that's the attraction.

Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than publishing evidence exposing the massive level of US Federal government war crimes, human rights violations and assorted and habitual malfeasance without accountability.

And it seems to be working out soooooo well, too!
Have you?

The problem is that you and your lil echo chamber crew here have long since substituted groupthink for critical thinking.

I realize that it doesn't take as much effort, maybe that's the attraction.

Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than publishing evidence exposing the massive level of US Federal government war crimes, human rights violations and assorted and habitual malfeasance without accountability.

And it seems to be working out soooooo well, too!
No I have never.
why do you find it so difficult to answer that question ?
Assange was accused of rape but the statue of limitation ran out. Still was accused and ran from the accusations.
How many time were you accused of rape ?
Have you?

The problem is that you and your lil echo chamber crew here have long since substituted groupthink for critical thinking.

I realize that it doesn't take as much effort, maybe that's the attraction.

Julian Assange is guilty of nothing more than publishing evidence exposing the massive level of US Federal government war crimes, human rights violations and assorted and habitual malfeasance without accountability.

And it seems to be working out soooooo well, too!
They're upset Assange exposed US government corruption because the corruption was being committed by the Democratic party, even though they claim no government corruption was committed..

So was government corruption committed that helped Trump defeat Clinton in the general election, or did Assange and Wikileaks simply fabricate the evidence that helped Trump defeat Clinton?
They're upset Assange exposed US government corruption because the corruption was being committed by the Democratic party, even though they claim no government corruption was committed..

So was government corruption committed that helped Trump defeat Clinton in the general election, or did Assange and Wikileaks simply fabricate the evidence that helped Trump defeat Clinton?
It's only a crime if THEY did it.

Story of both American politics and foreign policy.
They're upset Assange exposed US government corruption because the corruption was being committed by the Democratic party, even though they claim no government corruption was committed..

So was government corruption committed that helped Trump defeat Clinton in the general election, or did Assange and Wikileaks simply fabricate the evidence that helped Trump defeat Clinton?
the russian propaganda assange peddles is unverifiable by its very nature padaraper