Assange the rapist headed to face the music

Is this what your idea of debate looks like?

Your post begins by insulting everyone's intelligence, another homophobic slur, and then you have the audacity to claim no one will debate you and people only attack you.

Let's debate what you've said.

Everyone at Harvard is a lot smarter than everyone here but you, the elderly woman from Florida, and the kid who works 120 hrs a week taking care of his family.

I've seen pictures of you in a college sweatshirt. Did you go and did you finish? I did. I'll post my academic qualifications if you will.

Do you work? I've been a full stack developer for that last few years. Before that I was a project editor at a textbook company. Before that, I was a college professor. What was the last job you had?

As to your constant complaints about moderation favoritism, I've had loads of post deleted. I just don't post about it, because it's a dope forum on the internet. If you hate it why post here?

As to your complaint about not accepting your sources, you post things from blogs, youtube, state run media from hostile foreign governments. If you were debating one of the many Harvard professors you seem to know, would they accept them?

Nice try with your cute cartoons and youtube videos, but @ttystikk and company know something that you don't know: logic is that which supports their arguments and fallacies are things that prove them wrong.

Just look at the atrocity of a therad put out by @schuylaar this morning. The Florida Democratic primary is rigged because INDEPENDENT voters must register as Democrats to vote in the Democratic primary even though one of the Democratic candidates is an INDEPENDENT (except they are a Democrat). Also Schuylaar and a couple of 20-30 year olds were turned away from the last primary because they just didn't get it. Bernie DESERVED that nomination! Point proven.

And how about @Padawanbater2 's idiotic assertion that anybody questioning whether a candidate as far left as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can win in anything other than an inherently liberal district is a racist? Yup... logic.

And they wonder why we are deeply concerned about the Progressives supplanting the leadership of the only party that can challenge Trump.
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Nice try with your cute cartoons and youtube videos, but @ttystikk and company know something that you don't know: logic is that which supports their arguments and fallacies are things that prove them wrong.

Just look at the atrocity of a therad put out by @schuylaar this morning. The Florida Democratic primary is rigged because INDEPENDENT voters must register as Democrats to vote in the Democratic primary even though one of the Democratic candidates is an INDEPENDENT (except they are a Democrat). Also Schuylaar and a couple of 20-30 year olds were turned away from the last primary because they just didn't get it. Bernie DESERVED that nomination! Point proven.

And how about @Padawanbater2 's idiotic assertion that anybody questioning whether a candidate as far left as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can win in anything other than an inherently liberal district is a racist? Yup... logic.

And they wonder why we are deeply concerned about the Progressives supplanting the leadership of the only party that can challenge Trump.
The cartoons and YT vids rebut tty's fallacious arguments better than I do, If he ever posts something that is factual and worthy of debate, I'll engage. Otherwise, there are YT vids for fifteen different kinds of logical fallacies. I don't mind repeating them either. Sorry if you find them annoying.

Ocasio-Cortez is OK. I can definitely applaud her win in the liberal NY district. No way she'd win even a nomination in Texas or other red state that is merging into blue but I'm fine with Progressives(TM) winning where they can.

Even Canuto, if he wins in the fall. It's up to the voters in each district to choose their representation. I don't much care for Wasserman-Schutlz but if she wins, it's all the same to me. Any seat denied a Republican is a good win.
The cartoons and YT vids rebut tty's fallacious arguments better than I do, If he ever posts something that is factual and worthy of debate, I'll engage. Otherwise, there are YT vids for fifteen different kinds of logical fallacies. I don't mind repeating them either. Sorry if you find them annoying.

Ocasio-Cortez is OK. I can definitely applaud her win in the liberal NY district. No way she'd win even a nomination in Texas or other red state that is merging into blue but I'm fine with Progressives(TM) winning where they can.

Even Canuto, if he wins in the fall. It's up to the voters in each district to choose their representation. I don't much care for Wasserman-Schutlz but if she wins, it's all the same to me. Any seat denied a Republican is a good win.
You know I was being facetious, right?
Wasn't sure.

I wonder if @Padawanbater2 or @ttystikk would agree that winning any seat in Congress or in state offices is a good win.
Yes and no, it depends on when you catch them. On one hand, Tty says that he wants Congressmen to represent their district but in most cases he whines whenever the people of a district make a choice he does not agree with. I have no problem with progressive politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and would have voted for her if she were in my district but I get called a racist for pointing out that her politics are too leftist for most districts in America. It is these little dumbasses throwing the divide up and yet they call anybody who does not think that the Democratic party would be unwise to push unilateral adopption of the democratic socialist plank.
Yes and no, it depends on when you catch them. On one hand, Tty says that he wants Congressmen to represent their district but in most cases he whines whenever the people of a district make a choice he does not agree with. I have no problem with progressive politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and would have voted for her if she were in my district but I get called a racist for pointing out that her politics are too leftist for most districts in America. It is these little dumbasses throwing the divide up and yet they call anybody who does not think that the Democratic party would be unwise to push unilateral adopption of the democratic socialist plank.
yes. VERY intolerant of them
Is this what your idea of debate looks like?

Your post begins by insulting everyone's intelligence, another homophobic slur, and then you have the audacity to claim no one will debate you and people only attack you.

Let's debate what you've said.

Everyone at Harvard is a lot smarter than everyone here but you, the elderly woman from Florida, and the kid who works 120 hrs a week taking care of his family.

I've seen pictures of you in a college sweatshirt. Did you go and did you finish? I did. I'll post my academic qualifications if you will.

Do you work? I've been a full stack developer for that last few years. Before that I was a project editor at a textbook company. Before that, I was a college professor. What was the last job you had?

As to your constant complaints about moderation favoritism, I've had loads of post deleted. I just don't post about it, because it's a dope forum on the internet. If you hate it why post here?

As to your complaint about not accepting your sources, you post things from blogs, youtube, state run media from hostile foreign governments. If you were debating one of the many Harvard professors you seem to know, would they accept them?

and your claim to fame is the there's that.
Again, you're an idiot.

He already had his date in court. He broke the agreement he had with the court. HE IS ALREADY GUILTY.

and every word out of trumps mouth is a lie..yet the argument is assange breaking agreements that Henny Penny OP'd? guys are a russians best friend.
and every word out of trumps mouth is a lie..yet the argument is assange breaking agreements that Henny Penny OP'd? guys are a russians best friend.

Again, there is only one warrant out for Assange. It is from the UK for jumping bail.

Nobody else wants him.
Nobody else cares.
Nobody else has any subpoenas, warrants, nothing at all.

Assange doesn't want to face two things: Jail for jumping bail and having to actually provide for himself now that he's going to be on his own and doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

That's why HE is making all this bullshit up: to get support from his idiot followers like you that blindly believe there's some sort of international conspiracy out to get him.

Fact is, nobody gives a fuck about him at all except the UK.
TBC; Bob Mueller knows everything. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. He has all #TeamTreason’s emails, SMS messages, encrypted messages, DM chats, backchannel chats, phone calls etc etc going back before 2016. This is why they’ve been acting like even bigger fools than usual. They know.

There sure are a lot of tweet deletions going on— covering up their criminality, associations, and/or or covering up their scorn & ridicule for those who warned them this was coming. Either way, that’s a very telling sign, patriots. :-)

8:25 AM - 27 Jul 2018


Putin wants to raise the age of retirement on the same pension system he’s currently tapped the reserve fund of (designed to cover these shortfalls) to pay for his govt’s war in Syria, and against the west. ... No wonder Russians are angry. #ТрусЫПротеста
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Again, there is only one warrant out for Assange. It is from the UK for jumping bail.

Nobody else wants him.
Nobody else cares.
Nobody else has any subpoenas, warrants, nothing at all.

Assange doesn't want to face two things: Jail for jumping bail and having to actually provide for himself now that he's going to be on his own and doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

That's why HE is making all this bullshit up: to get support from his idiot followers like you that blindly believe there's some sort of international conspiracy out to get him.

Fact is, nobody gives a fuck about him at all except the UK.
Julian Assange's arrest a 'priority' for US attorney general

That's odd since there's no warrant out for him at all other than in Britain for jumping bail.
It's odd to claim the only reason Assange is wanted is because he fled a warrant

It's obvious why many people want Assange; because he's responsible for leaking information that many people believe led to Trump winning the election

That's why this thread was created
It's odd to claim the only reason Assange is wanted is because he fled a warrant

It's obvious why many people want Assange; because he's responsible for leaking information that many people believe led to Trump winning the election

That's why this thread was created
You can’t even maintain an erection. So please do not try to pretend like you can divine my thought processes
It's odd to claim the only reason Assange is wanted is because he fled a warrant

It's obvious why many people want Assange; because he's responsible for leaking information that many people believe led to Trump winning the election

That's why this thread was created

You're a very special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Here are the facts:

Julian Assange will continue to face detention if he leaves the Ecuadorian embassy in London after a British judge upheld a warrant for his arrest.

Handing down her judgment at Westminster magistrates court, the senior district judge Emma Arbuthnot said she was not persuaded by the argument from Assange’s legal team that it was not in the public interest to pursue him for skipping bail.

She said: “I find arrest is a proportionate response even though Mr Assange has restricted his own freedom for a number of years.

“Defendants on bail up and down the country, and requested persons facing extradition, come to court to face the consequences of their own choices. He should have the courage to do the same. It is certainly not against the public interest to proceed.”

Assange, 46, skipped bail to enter the embassy in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden over allegations of sexual assault and rape, which he denies.

Though Swedish prosecutors dropped the investigation against him, he faces arrest if he leaves the building in Knightsbridge, west London, for breaching his former bail conditions in the UK.


Every single media site says the same exact thing. There is no warrant anywhere on earth for anything other than the bail jumping.
There is no warrant anywhere on earth for anything other than the bail jumping.
That doesn't mean Assange is not wanted

Like I said before, for anyone to claim Assange isn't wanted because of the information he's responsible for leaking is absurd. That's why he's wanted, not because he fled a warrant. If the warrant didn't exist, people like you and Buck would still want his head on a stake because you believe he is responsible for Donald Trump becoming president

Denying that fact makes your position weak
That doesn't mean Assange is not wanted

Like I said before, for anyone to claim Assange isn't wanted because of the information he's responsible for leaking is absurd. That's why he's wanted, not because he fled a warrant. If the warrant didn't exist, people like you and Buck would still want his head on a stake because you believe he is responsible for Donald Trump becoming president

Denying that fact makes your position weak


Put more aluminum foil on your head man. The black choppers are coming to get you.