Well-Known Member
Plenty of wailing and gnashing of teeth from both of the predominate parties about this movement as the meme has been adopted by members from both of them "walking away".
It gives hope that there are people who realize the platform of the party they pledge allegiance to is not particularly what is being practiced when that party member attains office.
Here's the video that started such wailing and gnashing:
Perhaps it'll cause people to actually look into the platform and track record of a candidate instead of just the colored letter that appears beside their name in the voting booth.
It has seemed to resonate w/ a great many people so far.
It gives hope that there are people who realize the platform of the party they pledge allegiance to is not particularly what is being practiced when that party member attains office.
Here's the video that started such wailing and gnashing:
Perhaps it'll cause people to actually look into the platform and track record of a candidate instead of just the colored letter that appears beside their name in the voting booth.
It has seemed to resonate w/ a great many people so far.