Looking to boost yield and moving away from lucas formula.

I've been using the lucas formula for some time now in dwc buckets and I'm looking to step up my nutrient game.

Don't get me wrong I've had great results from lucas formula but I'd like to improve on it, has anyone had experience going from lucas to something different or adding something new To the formula?

I'm not looking to get sucked into the black hole of Advanced Nutrients full line, or anything involving hundreds of different bottles and complex combinations, just an improvement of nutrition.


Well-Known Member
I've been using the lucas formula for some time now in dwc buckets and I'm looking to step up my nutrient game.

Don't get me wrong I've had great results from lucas formula but I'd like to improve on it, has anyone had experience going from lucas to something different or adding something new To the formula?

I'm not looking to get sucked into the black hole of Advanced Nutrients full line, or anything involving hundreds of different bottles and complex combinations, just an improvement of nutrition.
I love mega crop but the Lucas formula is solid.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Moving away from the Lucas will start a learning curve...

I never liked the Lucas either......

Try Botanicare KIND -3 part. You might have to vary the use formula some. That's common as the charting is a generalization on any bottled nutrient....


Well-Known Member
I've been using the lucas formula for some time now in dwc buckets and I'm looking to step up my nutrient game.

Don't get me wrong I've had great results from lucas formula but I'd like to improve on it, has anyone had experience going from lucas to something different or adding something new To the formula?

I'm not looking to get sucked into the black hole of Advanced Nutrients full line, or anything involving hundreds of different bottles and complex combinations, just an improvement of nutrition.
You didn't state if you are doing Lucas with GH or not but if you are just add the Grow as it was designed for starters :hump:


Well-Known Member
Moving away from the Lucas will start a learning curve...

I never liked the Lucas either......

Try Botanicare KIND -3 part. You might have to vary the use formula some. That's common as the charting is a generalization on any bottled nutrient....
Have you ran the KIND Trio? Review?


Well-Known Member
Nutes do not have the effect on plants that anabolic steroids do on freaks who go that route. Genetics eh? Buy all the nutes you want but shit lights will keep you chopping popcorn and larfy bud.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
i went back to the 3 part series. i had great results in DWC too with the lucas formula, but i feel i had nitrogen deficiencies based on my fan leaves.

i believe its helping, at least with plant health. haven't been back to all 3 parts long enough to judge yield yet.


Well-Known Member
It's bad taste to ask what your average light GPW is but it would help to know it as a loose bench mark. If it's below 1gpw on a strain that is known to get nion or over that then you are doing something wrong. If you are over 1gpw on such a strain then the nutrient line might not be the issue, while we know cmh certainly isn't. Growing style/environment might be, along with veg time?. Choice of bulbs, age of bulbs etc could also be a factor. If you grow low yielding strains then read up on what the expected gpw is by people who've ran it with a similar setup, see how far off the mark you are so you can start ruling things in or out. I don't think your lights are the direct issue but your dimensions if in fixed hood or open wing might be.

If you are hitting your upper limit of expected strain gpw then your only real option is more light+more space, that could include the realms of vert.
Sorry for the late reply, been busy with work and shit.

I'm running 2 315s in a 4x4, four plants scrogged, getting decent yields (18-20oz) but I know I can get more out of there! Light isn't the issue, so the only thing I can think to improve is food.

Plant wise, I throw in 4 different beans each time, some stuff has been pretty crap for yield others have been good. I've got tons of different seeds so I'm still waiting for that one special plant to come along so I can keep it and run clones. Nothing has blown me away yet..


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the late reply, been busy with work and shit.

I'm running 2 315s in a 4x4, four plants scrogged, getting decent yields (18-20oz) but I know I can get more out of there! Light isn't the issue, so the only thing I can think to improve is food.

Plant wise, I throw in 4 different beans each time, some stuff has been pretty crap for yield others have been good. I've got tons of different seeds so I'm still waiting for that one special plant to come along so I can keep it and run clones. Nothing has blown me away yet..
You get a lot of variance from seed to seed of the same strain. It's going to be very difficult for you to narrow down on improvement aspects with varied results. That said 18-20oz on avg for that light W/variance is not bad at all. I would say your biggest yield improvement will be finding a good seed to use for cuttings. That may mean you have to buy in a pack of new quality seeds and pick the right strain (not sure what you are using now). Your yield will more so increase anually from consistency over RRAAAW 30OZ CROPSS><<>. Although you may well see a few ounce increase over all.

You will have to redefine success though. For example 25oz should not be your target because not every strain will get near it. You need to set individual targets for each strain and be happy if you reach it.

In terms of nutrients, as long as a line covers the essentials it won't yield much more than another doing the same. Only real difference is price and how it is applied. Some of the auto ph lines ''might'' increase yield by holding a steady ph.. but that's more or less assuming the manual ph grower is lazy with it.

What you may also look into is ways to increase quality, potency, flavour etc. I dare say that by doing that it may unlock extra weight by having a more natural healthier plant. DR.who will be the best man to guide you on that, things like kelp foliar may be a good option in your situation.