Would it help to say I'm sorry for the "bleeding hearts comment?" Because otherwise, based on my posts here, I don't get where you think I'm a Republican? I can get emotional at times, because I feel many of you are jerks, and don't practice what you preach as a so called self professed liberals. When you guys want a better world, but shame anyone if they dare say they voted for Trump. When the vote is only between Trump and Hillary, both are idiots, what do you do? Btw, I didn't vote for president, since the best I could do was abstain from any of them.
See, it's not my fault there's idiots. It would be more of a shame not to use my skills, even though I know what they're doing is ultimately wrong. What am I supposed to do, let me and my family starve? I tell the truth as much as possible when at a job.
Right now there's a big fad for all that's mystical, far eastern, new age, and mindfulness hocus pocus. There's not much call for actual truth, and instead what feels good. If I said all you need is faith in Amitabha Buddha and call out his name, think positive, control your emotions, have fun, don't fuck people over, and live a godly life, no one would take me serious.
But the moment you give it a bunch of fancy names like: dharma, eight fold path, sit this certain way, or chant Aum, all of a sudden people get suckered in.
If that helps people to think about being a decent human being, even superficially, then I've done a good thing.
I have to first start with what the world is, before I can change it to how we could make it how it should.
Growing up as the uncool Buddhist kid about 30 years ago, I was horribly made fun of. Everyone from where I was from was a Christian. In just these last few years, changes have been drastic. I'm no longer the only one who doesn't eat meat, it didn't matter before I said it was my religion. They didn't care.
So isn't it rather funny a religion you grew up with, can actually make you a bit of cash? Many of those Christian kids are probably now complaining about God, and how it messed them up, emotionally.
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