atheist vs muslim

I don't know, a blog is not really a reference in my book, but I guess these are the times we live in

Explain that to your people. They use excuse after excuse. "You can't quote the Quran" "It can only be read in Arabic."

Then there's a quote in the Quran that says something like, "I have my way, you have yours, we are different. I don't need to explain myself."I can't seem to find it, I'm not quite all there now, sorry.

Islam isn't a very inviting religion, nor can you part ways amicably.Which makes finding out anything very hard about you guys, even if there are those willing to listen. Just watch Bill Maher's Religulous. Sure he's an asshole, but when he's polite with an Imam, and asks him tough questions about what the big deal is about atheists, he kicks him out and no longer wants to talk, saying he's wasn't respectful. Huh? Being respectful goes both ways.

They don't admit Daesh murders, just like the American military doesn't admit killing civilians, calling them "collateral damage." In the same sense Daesh is fighting a holy war, and who are they to judge how they fight their version of a war which Mohammad said was the very duty of every Muslim.

Maybe if Islam would take a chill pill and accept a version like Sandals type Christian churches, but as Islam, who don't view homosexuality as immortal sin, like Westboro. There are still Christian churches who are hateful, but those are becoming very few. Only some die hards, like Missouri Synod Lutherans, or Catholics still think of homosexuality as a mortal sin, punishable by hell. There are many others like Evangelical Lutheran Church, 7th Day Adventists, Sandals, and many others who wouldn't even bat an eye at two gay couples showing a bit of public affection on their church grounds.

Better yet, why not accept a version of Islam like that of the Unitarian Church where you don't even need to believe in Jesus, nor God.

Maybe, just maybe, if your side wasn't so adamant on the whole, "There is no God, but Allah," then others wouldn't hate on you as well. This world is for all of God's creatures, or in my case Amitabha the celestial Buddha of infinite life and infinite light. It's not just for the Muslim, and in any case doesn't make those different from you infidels and worthy of placing a fatwa on those who tell you otherwise.

"the National Council of Churches. They were eventually kicked out for not believing enough. In fact, the Orthodox Church said, "If you let the Universalists in, we won't join." So they let the Orthodox in and ushered the Universalists out. You see, every denomination that now belongs to the National Council of Churches has to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. That's the one criterion. So, we don't fit in. That one little thing. It doesn't sound like a whole lot to ask, does it? And maybe that's why we wouldn't want to belong even if they wanted us. Maybe we'd want more of a criterion for belief than that - like love, humanity, civil rights, peace, and equality. Belief in Christ is definitely not necessary for joining this church, and even if it were, it wouldn't be sufficient for joining this church. We want more than that from you."
Her ideal, or the ideal of the writer she stole this from?

that's not REAL plagiarism though!
I’m neither ashamed or embarrassed to admit if I’ve made a mistake OR that maybe I’ve learnt something I wasn’t aware of prior to an exchange.

It seems I’ve mistakenly been under the impression that riu is an informal drug forum and NOT a highly recognised academic institution that requires and accepts only formal, literary pieces of writing.

So I ask if u would please forgive the relaxed and non-literary manner in which I’ve been responding - where quotation marks alone are not a sufficient indication that I am indeed “quoting” another’s words.

Ps. It seems “citations” or lack of in my case, are the only shots you have left to take.

Your fixation is frightening.
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It's not just her, rob roy says much of the same shit.

I liked the one where the person posting in the FOR column said anarchy could work if we still follow the rules religion gives us. Would that still be anarchy? Who decides what those vague rules mean in every situation? too funny that.

To be fair, Venus did mention a happy medium between anarchy and authoritarian. I'm not going to go back and wade through the other stuff she posted but I recall she said something like that.

No matter what, I'll still take unrealistic musings about how we should all just get along over what Trump's right wingers say. Venus is OK.
You misunderstood. He wasn’t interested in my “ideal”. Only that I used quotation marks without citation.
I figured anyone who cared that much could look it up for “him”self. And see that. .? He did.
I’m neither ashamed or embarrassed to admit if I’ve made a mistake OR that maybe I’ve learnt something I wasn’t aware of prior to an exchange.

It seems I’ve mistakenly been under the impression that riu is an informal drug forum and NOT a highly recognised academic institution that requires and accepts only formal, literary pieces of writing.

So I ask if u would please forgive the relaxed and non-literary manner in which I’ve been responding - where quotation marks alone are not a sufficient indication that I am indeed “quoting” another’s words.

Ps. It seems “citations” or lack of in my case, are the only shots you have left to take.

Your fixation is frightening.

It seems like that's what a lot of people do on here.

They bitch if you're new. If you don't agree 100% with their ways, the hell with you. The weirdest part is if you don't actually agree completely, they accuse you of the opposite of what you actually said. I don't know what's up with that.

I try to be honest and real, and at times I get emotional. But isn't that the nature of the hobby we're into on this site, and what it causes us to be at times?

We're not exactly the model of a prim and proper portion of society after all.
Here's a compulsive liar right on cue, he's also a professional victim, just ask him but be prepared for endless whining.
Here's a compulsive liar right on cue, he's also a professional victim, just ask him but be prepared for endless whining.

You just prove our point every post.

All I ever did was disagree with buck and fogdog and I have been trolled hard for almost 2 years.

They just lie to hurt anyone who disturbs their safe place and they are protected by mgmt.
churches are buildings. making healthy young men take a ridiculous oath to be married to the church is what causes those problems.
there are drives built into people that it's very hard to subvert. when you subvert them on purpose, you get undesirable results.
you would imagine that it would be obvious to leaders in the church, and that they would change the rule, but apparently tradition is more important than the mental health of their priests, and the altar boys they eventually go after
Awww. Aren't these wonderful muslims so courageous to speak out against the polytheists, I mean atheists. Because to the muslim, even an atheist believes in a "God" or rather Allah, (There is no God, but Allah), which is that of another imaginary sky daddy, the imperialist western warmonger.

Yet western civilization doesn't throw gay people off rooftops, cut off the clitoris of little girls, throw acid on adulterers, or hunt down apostates and chop off their heads who dare speak out their true beliefs.

Any of these attitudes from another religion would be constituted as a cult, but since they've been running this scheme for over a thousand years and have over a billion followers they get the benefit of the doubt, and called a religion.

Here are some example of what Cultwatch believes represents mind control and cult warning signs:

  • Single charismatic leader.
  • People always seeming constantly happy and enthusiastic. Especially if you discover that they have been told to act that way for the potential new recruits.
  • Instant friends.
  • If you are told who you can or cannot talk to or associate with.
  • They hide what they teach.
  • Say they are the only true group, or the best so why go anywhere else.
  • Hyped meetings, get you to meetings rather than share with you.
  • Experiential rather than logical.
  • Asking for money for the next level.
  • Some cults travel door to door during times when women are home alone. They, and this is rather sexist, think that women are easier to recruit and once they have the woman then it will be easier to snare the husband or partner.
  • Saying that they have to make people pay for it because otherwise they will not appreciate it. This is of course a very silly reason, plenty of people are able to appreciate things which they did not pay for.
  • They do not allow their teachings or practices to be questioned. If you question, then automatically the group assumes that something is wrong with you. It can never be the case that anything is wrong with the group’s practices or teachings. Often they will try to shut you down by accusing you of having a “bad attitude”.
  • They will push you to obey by using guilt. They will demand complete “submission” to the group, its leaders and its teachings. They will do this by making you feel absolutely rotten about yourself. They will ridicule you and attack any weakness you might have (or invent weaknesses you might have if they can’t find any). Their goal is to break your will by causing you mental anguish.
The alt right Buddhist windbag

Very creative account