This Is Why Organized Religion Should Be Banned

Just tax the fucking perverts, that'll slow them down a little and drop the statue of limitations for religious rape.
Organized religion is vastly more than the cover up catholic church....

And Jesus still loves you even though your signature meme is annoying as fuck.
you said ban religion..i said ban organized religion. and there you have it!:clap:

it's the public shit.
It's still a lunatic idea. Imposing financial and legal death penalties on churches that protect pedos would be enough cull the bad actors.
I think the OP hasn't been to a proper Church service. I'd invite her to mine. We accept all races, creeds, sexes, and genders. The only requirement is being respectful to Amitabha Buddha. Other than that you can join in. We don't tell you what to think either. It's pretty much a time to relax, listen to some inspirational talks, chant, sing and do a bit of quiet meditation or bow your head in silence.

I promise we don't have a basement where we take the kids, nor do we even make pizza.
Maybe we should just resort to cutting off their clitoris so they don't have the urge to be a whore in the first place, and if they do it anyway, splash some acid on their face as a reminder to all the rest?
What’s your opinion on the massive pedophilia ring that white American Christians call a church, “Buddhist” guy?