America Is a Failed State

I think your words are falling on deaf ears... They wont stop the hate and name calling its all they know.
Dem or rep makes no difference to me its about the lesser of 2 evils and the more they call us names and push the people they want with hate the more likely we will see another 4 years of trump in 2020.
A trumptard crying about name calling

These people are hopelessly stupid
The economy would collapse without illegal immigrants

How’s your felony narcotic manufacture going, illegal?
Let me guess? Illegal immigrants help the economy because they don't get paid Jack shit, right? And they pay taxes, but get hardly any benefits, right? Tell me again how much you care for illegal immigrants...
Let me guess? Illegal immigrants help the economy because they don't get paid Jack shit, right? And they pay taxes, but get hardly any benefits, right? Tell me again how much you care for illegal immigrants...

I would trade you for an immigrant family any day

You’re not just worthless, you’re a drain on the nation

Authoritarians always lose their cool when people disagree with their opinions.

No, Miss Smarmy Pants. Unlike you , I don't collapse in a fit of outrage when somebody says "eat my poop".
Ok, let's have intelligent conversation. How do illegal immigrants help the economy?